January 17, 2002
mattan wrote: Men 19 år är hon ju inte...
Står att hon e född -77 🙂
VA?! Hahahahaha! Fan vad lurad jag är! Hon ser då inte ut att vara så gammal!
Jag är sysadmin på HumLab på umeå universitet, hon praktiserar som grafikutvecklare/kurshållare.
Hoho, jag trodde alltid att hon var runt 20! Man frågar ju inte efter en dams ålder 😀
July 13, 2002
Wow... läs dikterna som finns till en del bilder, man blir tagen av dem.
She said,
"The moon has fallen into a sea of dirt, and all that I loved is gone."
They said,
"There is still the sea. The clouds. The earth."
She said,
"The ground slides, filthy and bedraggled, into the melting earth, and all that I loved is gone."
They said,
"There is still the sea. The clouds."
She said,
"The sea is but a stench - it devours but it does not live. All that I loved... is gone."
They said,
"But the clouds. We still have the clouds."
She said,
"The clouds are veils of sulphur and acid rain."
They said,
"We love the rain."
She said,
"All that I loved is gone."
Brukar inte gilla hela "life is pain" goth stuket men det låter ju så harmoniskt 😀
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