November 21, 2003
En snubbe ja känner som bor i tyskland har gjort ett arbete om euron och vill gärna veta vad vi svenskar tycker så det vore kul om ni kunde svara och kanske diskutera dettta, det tar som sagt inte lång tid alls svara bara tex 1.a, 2.c, 3.b osv
Tack på förhand!
I work for my test paper (required for the A-Levels in Germany) on a investigation about the Euro and his reputation in Europe. My teachers suggested the opportunity to make a survey about the position
of Swedish teenagers according to the Euro.I agreed, because I have some friends in Sweden.
This survey contains only a few questions, you only need --- 5 MINUTES --- to answer them. I need at least 40 answered emails to have the ability of making a statistic about the survey.
Thank you in advance,
Raphael Kohler
Erasmus-Widman Gymnasium, Schwaebisch Hall in the South of Germany
If you dont what to answear, please send them to [email]RAPHAELKOHLER@WEB.DE[/email] and the questions to your friends, maybe I get some more responded surveys so I have a more representative result.
HOW: - Just write the capital letter of your preferred choice/choices after "MY CHOICE:"
- If you can't answer a question, just write "no idea"
1. Sex (A= female; B= male):
2. Age (A= 13-15 years old; B= 16-18 years old; C= 19-22 years old; D= older than 22 years):
3.a) When you hear about THE EURO, you think of....
(several answers allowed:
a= a strong currency;
b= the growing European Unity;
c= economic problems in the countries with the Euro;
d= prices go up very strongly)
4. You have the opinion about THE EURO, that it hat....
A= many/only advantages;
B= mainly advantages;
C= advantages and disadvantages are equally strong;
D= mainly disadvantages;
E= many/only disadvantages
5.a) Positive aspects of THE EURO are...
(several answers allowed:
a= economic advantages for the European Union and Sweden;
b= to use the same currency in the whole of Europe;
c= Change by the looks of the new currency
6.a) Negative aspects of THE EURO are...
(several answers allowed:
a= Change does not exist any more while you travel by foreign different banknotes;
b= Sweden's individual identity would disappear;
c= you can not see exactly how expensive something is, because you used to calculating with the Swedish currency;
d= The Swedish currency is more solid and generally better
7. I pursue the problem and things about THE EURO....
A= Interested
B= Sometimes I hear something about it
C= I am not interested at all
8. THE EURO would have for the economy....
A= many/only advantages;
B= mainly advantages;
C= he is unimportant for the economy;
D= mainly disadvantages;
E= many/only disadvantages
9. THE EURO helps to unite Europe
A= Yes, it does
B= No, it do not
10. The uniting of Europe has in my opinion....
A= many/only advantages;
B= mainly advantages;
C= advantages and disadvantages are equally strong;
D= mainly disadvantages;
E= many/only disadvantages
Thank you for the answers!
Thank you for your trust, I know to appreciate it.
November 21, 2003
November 5, 2001
StarCraft wrote: [quote=Arny][quote=StarCraft]Du ska skicka dom svaren till hans e-mail.
Det får TomaXtremE göra. Bättre att samla alla svar och skicka gemensamt.
Ne, bättre om alla skickar sina egna, då blir det mindre jobb för en enskild person.
Men mer jobb för mig. Man ska först och främst se till sitt eget bästa.
February 1, 2004
Arny wrote: [quote=StarCraft][quote=Arny][quote=StarCraft]Du ska skicka dom svaren till hans e-mail.
Det får TomaXtremE göra. Bättre att samla alla svar och skicka gemensamt.
Ne, bättre om alla skickar sina egna, då blir det mindre jobb för en enskild person.
Men mer jobb för mig. Man ska först och främst se till sitt eget bästa. alla tänkte så, så skulle inte världen se ut som den gjorde idag.
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