July 19, 2001
Läs bara lite av det.. Vilka jävla idioter..
Jag och massvis med Swec människor har reggat sig och har börjat tjaffsa 😀
Kan ni inte också börja 🙂
November 4, 2001
"About the only thing worth importing from Sweden are their blond, buxom bimbos."
Det är ju nånting iaf :bgrin:
Fan man blir lite sur när man läser om deras fördommar, jag trodde Amerikaner gillade Svenskar. Aja så länge det inte landar en bomb utanför min dörr, skiter jag i ifall några missledda Amerikaner snackar skit om mig.
November 26, 2002
det är ju skitkul läsning.
många av er tänker säkert inte läsa allt, så jag klistrar in lite roliga "anti-Sverige"-citat:
"In my opinion, it is high time for America to start "setting examples" by "slamming" some of those little countries that constantly slander America because they "know" that they get away with it and can continue to make money off my Country even if they slander us and try to create whatever little obstacles for us as they can. For instance, sweden has sympathized with and supported every enemy America has faced in armed conflict since and including WWII. So, why should Americans buy products manufactured in a country that has had such a ****ty attitude towards our Country and for such a long time?"
"There is no country in the history of this planet that have been so categorically horny for terrorists than sweden........
Just how it is."
"sweden and the middle east is more or less the same thing now........
The muslims will take over very soon......."
angående antisemiter:
"But they are many......
Approx. 300 000 000 only in europe......"
"The list of countries of the world. If they are not with the USA then they are against us. And the USA is #1, yes we rule the world. What we do is right and never wrong. We are the best in everything but Cricket, Table Tennis, Badmitton, and some cross country skiing events and some other twiddly sporting events."
detta förbättrade ju inte skaen...
"oh my god you guys are stupid. First of all Sweden has NEVER been in contact with nazis during WW2, they were totally nutural.
Hitler might have liked Swedes because they are of arian rase, NOT because they were allies in any way.
I'm half Swedish, half American and I am sooo ashamed of the ignorance and stupidity among Americans. Before you say anything about the world outside the US, look at the link below.
You are the biggest threat to peace in the whole world. Please, think about it. I mean really think."
July 11, 2002
HAHAHA fan vad bra!
"So the Palistinians have a T-shirt factory. I stand corrected. Ok I'm not going to buy any T-shirts that say made in the Gaza Strip/West Bank.
Down with T-shirts! No Blood for a T-Shirt. Arafat, your T-shirts have Blood on them. Make Love not T-shirts."
October 9, 2002
November 26, 2002
Pulka wrote: [quote=Öwall] The muslims will take over very soon......."
Inte nå roligt med det när det faktisk kan vara sant 😕
"Om några år(8-20) så kommer en muslimskt parti få över 4% och komma in i riksdagen."
hellre det än sverigedemokraterna.
ett muslimskt parti i riksdagen innebär mer nytta än skada tror jag.
May 23, 2001
Öwall wrote:
hellre det än sverigedemokraterna.
ett muslimskt parti i riksdagen innebär mer nytta än skada tror jag.
Om SD skulle komma i riksdagen så skulle nog vi få upp ögonen hur totalt misslyckad våran integrationspolitik är. Läs rapporten om Projekt Argus så förstår ni. Dock lär ni väl inte ha hört talas om den eftersom allt som kritiserar invandring inte brukar få så stor plats i media. Iofs va det inte invandringen som kritiserades, utan regeringens intergrationspolitik.
July 11, 2002
Denna jävel har jag lust att klappa till, och hela USA om dom tänker så:
The list of countries of the world. If they are not with the USA then they are against us. And the USA is #1, yes we rule the world. What we do is right and never wrong. We are the best in everything but Cricket, Table Tennis, Badmitton, and some cross country skiing events and some other twiddly sporting events.
Don't tread on us or prepare to get the Atomic Drop or a Pile Driver.
Oh wait the Palistinians have alot of Flag stores, always having a run on flags to burn.
November 26, 2002
HELIX wrote: Jag och massvis med Swec människor har reggat sig och har börjat tjaffsa icon_biggrin.gif
90% av alla "svenska" inlägg är på idiotnivå. Hade de haft en modaerator där som kunnat svenska så hade det inte vart många inlägg från er kvar.
det finns två eller tre personer som lägger fram lite vettiga argument, ni andra håller på som omogna fjortisar.
jag skulle kunna klistra in lite exempel, men hälften av texten skulle bestå av *****, så det är inte värt besväret.
Han där Savage vet inte hur rätt han har när han säger "keep going, prove my point"
September 5, 2001
detta bevisar ju bara hur dumma många amerikaner i verkligeheten är. dom är minst lika hjärntvättade som många av de härainga musilmerna som vill ha heliga krig å skit. tror inte nån av dom riktigt fattar va dom säger/gör, lika dumma bägge 2. annat va det på Clintons tid, då va det fanimej ordning å reda
November 26, 2002
Smirnoff wrote: sure.
Killen sitter i sin egen lilla värld, och tänker bara på krig.
när han ser en tommahwak missile får han orgasm.
en ful fet j**la amerikanare som har failat lumpen :bgrin:
precis vad jag menar. en tredjedel av den tråden består av sådana inlägg. skriv något konstruktivt istället.
March 17, 2002
Tycker denna är klockren!
''Lets Take Minute of Silence For Everyone....
If you are still shaken by the horrifying scenes of September 11, please observe a moment of silence for the 5,000 civilian lives lost in the New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania attacks.
While we’re at it, let’s have 13 minutes of silence for the 130,000 Iraqi civilians killed in 1991 by order of President Bush Sr.
Take another moment to remember how Americans celebrated and cheered in the streets.
Now another 20 minutes of silence for the 200,000 Iranians killed by Iraqi soldiers using weapons and money provided to young Saddam Hussein by the American government before the great eagle turned all its power against Iraq.
Another 15 minutes of silence for the Russians and 150,000 Afghans killed by troups supported and trained by the CIA.
Plus 10 minutes of silence for 100,000 Japanese killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Atomic bombs dropped by the USA.
We’ve just kept quiet for onfiltered hour: one minute for the Americans killed in NY, DC, and Pennsylvania, 59 minutes for their victims throughout the world.
If you are still in awe, let’s have another hour of silence for all those killed in Vietnam, which is not something Americans like to admit.
Or for the massacre in Panama in 1989, where American troops attacked poor villagers, leaving 20,000 Panamanians homeless and thousands more dead.
Or for the millions of children who have died because of the USA embargoes on Iraq and Cuba.
Or the hundreds of thousands brutally murdered throughout the world by USA-sponsored civil wars and coups d’etat (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador to name a few).
Maybe, and although the memory of Americans claims otherwise, someone may remember the USA attack on Bagdad where 18,000 civilians were killed. Did someone see it on CNN? Was justice ever served? Or was there even any retaliation?
We hope that Americans finally begin to understand their vulnerability and the cowardly attacks and other tragedies that they have caused around the world. The dead in other places hurt as much as the dead of the Towers!
Now, let’s talk about terrorism, shall we?''
Oldschool member since 2002.
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