February 11, 2002
känner själv igen varenda en... Jag e själv "The Professional" fast med snygg o kanske bäst bildkvalite (betyder en del för mig) och typ som L33ty McLeet fast med luftkylning.... vet ingen som inte lessnar på ljudet....... hehe....
June 28, 2001
fanns endel roliga där. läste typ hälften, och denna stämde in på mig bässt.
Red-Beard and Peg-Leg: These two guys each have several Gigabyte collections of mp3’s/pr0n/warez/movies, and proceed to consume all the network’s bandwidth by sharing and transferring these treasures between each other. Characteristics: On any network through anything less than a switch, everyone’s pings approach the high 400’s. Do not take any files from them that have not been thoroughly scanned.
November 4, 2001
Jag är nog
Senator Cinema: This intriguing individual goes through the trouble of moving all their computer equipment (including their surround sound speakers) to a LAN party and all they do is watch DVDs. They also lose points for only watching stupid (usually war or Wild Things-esque titty) movies and anime.
Mr. Gay: Everything, literally EVERYTHING is "gay" to him. Someone shoots him: "That's so gay." He dies: "GAY!!!" Someone grabs the flag before he does: "OMG YOU FAG!!!" The worst is when something actually particularly lame happens to him, like he has the flag and is just about to return it, but gets lag a split second before and then gets sniped during that time, so the win doesn't register: "OH MY GOD... THAT WAS SO...FUCKING...GAY!!!!!!!!!" Then will rant incessantly on how incredible gay what just happened was. Characteristics: Everything is gay to him. You're gay, your computer is gay, the network is gay, the game is gay, and everything that happens in the game is utterly, horribly gay.
Jag såg bara att en passar in på Shlumpen så jävla bra och jag tror han håller med själv
Mr. Small Bladder: Gets up every 15 fucking minutes for a piss break. Goddamn this guy's got a bladder the size of a peanut.
July 19, 2001
Jag är lätt:
Mr. Forgetful: Forgets to bring random small parts of his system like his own fucking power strip, monitor cable or a CAT5 cable. Goes around in circles asking people if he can borrow a mouse pad or whatever he didn't bring this time.
Jag har glömt mina högtalare några gånger, musmattan, musen och elsladdarna..
Sedan är jag stjälvklart också:
L33ty McLeet: Will come to party with his full tower and noisy water-cooling system. Spends most of their time browsing HardOCP and SharkyExtreme. Has the latest and greatest hardware, brags about their frame rate, yet is surprisingly bad at every game. May come to LAN party with only Linux installed.
Fast jag äger på dom spelen jag spelar 😀
Varför är det så att alla svenska lan nuförtiden verkar vara överfulla av "The little shit"?
July 13, 2002
Svårt att sätta in mig själv... mina polare kunde ja däremot sätta in på 2 sec, de kan säkert placera mig också.
Min LILLEBROR är lätt MR GAY! Mr. Gay: Everything, literally EVERYTHING is "gay" to him. Someone shoots him: "That's so gay." He dies: "GAY!!!" Someone grabs the flag before he does: "OMG YOU FAG!!!" The worst is when something actually particularly lame happens to him, like he has the flag and is just about to return it, but gets lag a split second before and then gets sniped during that time, so the win doesn't register: "OH MY GOD... THAT WAS SO...FUCKING...GAY!!!!!!!!!" Then will rant incessantly on how incredible gay what just happened was. Characteristics: Everything is gay to him. You're gay, your computer is gay, the network is gay, the game is gay, and everything that happens in the game is utterly, horribly gay.
Enligt honom är alt och alla gay, även jag, stolen, musen, ja allt. Även fasten gay mera syftar på idiot istället för vad det är slang för, konstigt att det blivit så 🙄 e flesta riktiga "gay" är faktiskt väldigt trevliga, dock har man lite att tala om.
April 1, 2001
Hehe, riktigt skön läsning ju! 🙂
Dessa har man träffat på ett antal gånger, och är rätt störande...
The Finally Got A Girlfriend: Brings his girlfriend to the LAN party. Doesn't have a computer for her, he just wants her around so the other geeks will presumably hail him as a god/look upon him jealously. Unfortunately the rest of the geeks see through the charade and mock him behind his back. Characteristics: 90% of this persons deaths are due to being distracted by her whining about leaving. Will probably show up to next LAN party single again.
Loler: This guy always gets on my nerves, he is using every abbreviation and leet speak word irl, and would during gameplay randomly shout out stuff like "rotflol" and "ffs"
Oj oj oj, här har vi den fetaste idioten. En sån som borde bannlysas från alla LAN.
The Little Shit: How can we forget this character? He's the homeowner's little brother. ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY must play CS, even though the ENTIRE room has already played it for 10 straight hours and has moved on. Will bitch, whine, complain, moan, groan, cry, annoy, pester, hump you, tug your shirt for you to play CS with him, and then rinse and repeat about how you're raping him NOS-FUNNEY style. Of course, the _one_ lucky frag he gets he'll CROW with ecstasy, and call you names and remind you for the rest of the party how you suck and how he killed you in such a cool way and remember how he got that COOL COOL COOL kill on YOU??? When the parents come to take him away, he will (all together now) bitch, whine, complain, et cetera, et cetera, causing the entire room to wait for him to be dragged away. Be careful; they usually travel in herds.
Jag försökte hitta en profil som passade mig, men det fanns ingen sån :/ Jag är väl en skum LAN-figur eller nåt :bgrin:
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