June 17, 2001
Först så varnar svenska spel för ett mail som är utskickat till alla deras nyhetspremuneranter och i det så finns det en "markera.exe" fil med och i mailet står det
Du kan infoga en länk till en annan.
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AUTOTEXT bullet Fel! Autotextposten är inte definierad"
Den andra varningen fick jag av McAfee.com
(((((((((((((((((( McAfee.com Dispatch )))))))))))))))))))))
[This message is brought to you as a subscriber to the
McAfee.com Dispatch. To unsubscribe, please follow the
instructions at the bottom of the page.]
** W32/MyLife.b@MM **
Dear Alexander,
McAfee.com has seen a large and growing number of computers
infected with W32/MyLife.b@MM. This is a MEDIUM RISK virus.
As always, we recommend that you keep your anti-virus software
up-to-date for the best protection.
To get complete information on this virus, please click here:
===> http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3083
Take care and dont open any *.exe filer :hehe:
/FD. Crew ffs
"A computer let's you make more mistake's faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handgun's and tequila"
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