August 28, 2004
eller fråga mrra här på NH
August 28, 2004
Midnight Rx (#FABF16 / SI-1516) 16 Jan 2005
Mr. Burns is true to his word when he promised a "nasty surprise" for the company office party; he cancels the company's prescription drug plan. Homer has the solution: get some fake Canadian ID papers, go to Canada, buy cheap prescription drugs, and smuggle them back into the USA. When other companies, along with the Springfield Retirement Castle, follow Mr. Burns's lead and cancel their own drug benefits, Grampa, Ned, and Apu join Homer on his next trip, which ends up with the four of them being caught and subsequently banned from Canada. When Smithers's thyroid condition brings him to the brink of death, Burns decides to take matters into his own hands (it's easier than teaching somebody new the filing system), and with the help of his plane, "The Plywood Pelican", they go for one final run.
Heter Midnight RX, är från Säsong 16.
August 4, 2005
Kolla ifall du hittar det där. Säsong 14-15 är jag rätt säker på att det är
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