August 20, 2001
Group Captain Victor Goddard kept this rather strange picture. The photo was taken following the last mission of this group. In the photo appears the face of an airman who was killed several days before the photo was taken, when he walked into the rotating propellor of a plane. Obviously he did not want to miss out on the group photo.
In November 1995 a fire destroyed the Town Hall of Wem in the UK.. Tony O´Rahilly, a photographer was called to the scene and took the picture above. When he developed it, he noticed the silhouette of a young boy or girl.
The ghostly shape that appears in the photo was identified as that of a young girl who in 1977 had started a large fire in the same building and perished in the flames.
It looks like an ordinary family shot ...
A typical family photo from the 19th Century..... It seems that the six year old great-great-great granddaughter who had died 2 months before the photo was taken, did not want to be left out of it!!!
This is a photo of Tracy who was born on 13 June 1975, or to be more exact Friday the 13th. She caught meningitis and was rushed to emergency by her parents where prompt attentio saved her life. The photo was taken in 1979, nine months after, and two days following another incident that nearly took her life away again.
Can you see the "person" who is alongside Tracy? The "person" seems to have an arm around her protecting her from the back. Some say that it is just an optical effect from the lens reflection. 23 year on, Tracy says that the "person" who appears behind her could have resulted from a fault in the camera, but her parents swear it is her guardian angel.
The following photo was exhibited as evidence in a police investigation into a very strange incident. It resulted from the case of a man who decided to take photos in some caves (Khaimah) in spite of being warned against doing so by the local residents.
Around midday the photographer called the police, having heard horrible screams inside one of the many caverns when he was taking photos. Some hours later the police discovered the remains of the man, totally dismembered, but with his camera intact beside him.
When the police developed the film, they were shocked. For lack of further proof they decided that his death had been caused by some wild animal. Have a look at the “wild animal”...
This is a photo of a young girl at one year old. It was taken on 5 May 2001 with a new digital camera... When the photo was taken, there were only two people in the house, the young girl and her mother, who took the photo, but...Who is that beside the girl???
The girl in this shot thought there was nobody else on her left side...
Såja... fick bli så istället... Fortfarande mysko bilder[/img]
August 20, 2001
Öwall wrote: det finns vissa saker man aldrig tar emot i mail, och bland dessa finns alla microsofts filformat.
jag hoppas verkligen att du har koll på varifrån den härstammar.
På min jobb mail från en på jobb... Och jag har både öppnat den i powerpoint viewer och i powerpoint och tagit bort den lilla överaskningen mot slutet! 😛
Edit: Om du vill kan jag spara ner bilderna från den och länka till dem istället.???
July 27, 2002
DiDi wrote: [quote=Callister]Det är ju så dålig kvalite på bilden så man ser ju inte att det står någon i bakgrunden..
Fast om du kollar noga så ser du 🙂
Jag ser det inte???
Antingen ser jag bra på nära håll eller så ser ni dåligt 🙂
För jag ser nämligen dålig på långt håll och bättre på nära håll 🙂
June 28, 2001
boogey wrote: blir bara kastad tillbaka till den här tråden när jag klickar på bilderna...
Du det blir fan jag med, är bara så med vissa länkar, trodde det var fel på min browser, men nu verkar det som jag kan lägga NH under luppen för att ta reda på vad felet är.
störande som stryk.
August 20, 2001
Mind wrote: [quote=boogey]blir bara kastad tillbaka till den här tråden när jag klickar på bilderna...
Du det blir fan jag med, är bara så med vissa länkar, trodde det var fel på min browser, men nu verkar det som jag kan lägga NH under luppen för att ta reda på vad felet är.
störande som stryk.
Det är för att servern de ligger på inte stödjer direktlänkning...
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