October 25, 2003
Vet inte om den här har vart uppe förr, men jävligt rolig är den!
En engelsman som har skrivit ihop en text om Sverige, läs med en gnutta självdistans 😉
.doc-version http://home.student.uu.se/frel.....t%20Sweden!.doc
html-version http://www.acc.umu.se/~widmark.....files.html
Sweden probably has the highest rate of academics in the cleaning business and in hotel kitchens. They are all called Hassan and Bogdan. Those looking for jobs they are more than well qualified for often change their names to more Swedish sounding names. Hassan becomes Hasse and Bogdan becomes Bengt. This might at least fool the prospective employer on the application form and they may be called to interview. Of a population of just over 9 million, there are 1 million immigrants. Sales of peroxide are unusually high in Sweden.
March 23, 2003
hur sköna som helst:
Each week has a number. Ask the average Swede when week 29 is and he hasn't got a clue. But that gives him another excuse to reach for his filofax and start f1icking through. He’ll find that it's in July, in the middle of his holiday and therefore he couldn't care less what the number of the week is.
Eng: Shall we treat ourselves and indulge in a schnapps? Swe: En liten djävul? (en liten yavull)
Literal translation: A little devil?
April 18, 2003
"The north of Sweden is inhabited by northerners (Norrlänningar) and the Sami (Laplanders), an ancient hunting and fishing nomadic people who live in tents and speak a Finno-Urgic language they themselves can hardly understand. This is perhaps why they hardly say anything at all. Norrland, as this area is called, stretches across 60% of Sweden and is so sparsely populated that the inhabitants hardly ever meet anyone to talk to."
Its only funny 'cause it's true =)
July 13, 2002
Swedish tax Governments in Sweden have spent years convincing Swedes that their money isn't really their own. But the Swede is a person of great initiative and has developed a few ways of keeping a few crowns for himself. Nobody is allowed to get rich. If people in other countries see someone drive round in a flashy sports car, they may exclaim 'Wow! What a cool guy!' In Sweden they’ll say 'What a tax-dodger'.
Crime and punishment Major criminals like those omitting to file their income tax returns or forgetting to pay their bill/s on time are dealt with severely. Minor criminals like murderers and those convicted of grievous bodily harm are told not to do it again.
October 28, 2002
"Hell an gore
Chung hop father Allan lay Hell an gore
Chung hop father Allan lay
Oh han some inte hell an tar Han hell air inte half an four Hell an gore!
(Now knock it back in one) Chung hop father Allan lay!"
hahaha helt underbart 😛 Har mailat runt denna till massor av icke-svenska polare. Jag kommer fa ett helt nytt bemotande.
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