August 16, 2004
Tjena , Jag har fått ett litet mini projekt och det innebär att göra ett korsord och när jag höll på o göra det kom jag på dom inte passade ihop som på riktigt korsord 🙁
för mig blev det typ
Shrivel <--- då måste man ha ett streck som bryter ordet
fick inte till det, obs die var inte ett riktigt ord som ska vara med hittade bara på det för det passsade ihop med "D" Så finns det något program eller hemsida som kan hjälpa en 🙂
säg till om ni vill ha orden .. För ifall att 🙂
August 16, 2004
August 16, 2004
August 16, 2004
August 16, 2004
Hm, Jag hittade en sida och där kunde man göra korsord (criss cross )
Och då blev jag jätteglad :Djiipie 🙂
Men(!) "the page cannot be displayed" ....
så kanske någon kan göra ett där och spara det (dvs bilden)
här får ni orden
Shrivel becomes smaller and its surfaced is covered in lines
prefer to like someone more than someone else
Desolate empty and sad
Breakthrough Important new discovery or development
remainder what is left after everything else had gone for be dealt with
occasion Happening sometimes but not often
forlorn sad and lonely
glance to look at something for a short time
remarkable very unusable or noticable in a way that deserves admiration
Hesitate to paus for somethin for a moment before doing something or
saying something
Descendant someone who is related to a person who lived long ago
authority the power of right to make important descions and control people
blister a small area of skin that is swollen and full of liquid
mention when you mention something or someone in a conversation
doubt the feeling someone or something is not true or that he cannot be
testify to formally say hat you know in a law court
saliva a liquid that you have in your mouth
Relucant unwilling and therefor slow down to do something
grunt to makse short sounds
innocent not guilty of a crime
ochså så undrar jag varför det blev så och varför jag har en så himla tur 😀
January 26, 2003
vet inte ifall det blev rätt nu men...
3. becomes smaller and its surfaced is covered in lines
5. the power of right to make important descions and control people
7. something
8. what is left after everything else had gone for be dealt with
13. sad and lonely
14. to formally say hat you know in a law court
16. someone who is related to a person who lived long ago
18. to look at something for a short time
20. to paus for somethin for a moment before doing something or
21. a small area of skin that is swollen and full of liquid
22. to makse short sounds
1. very unusable or noticable in a way that deserves admiration
2. Happening sometimes but not often
4. not guilty of a crime
6. to like someone more than someone else
9. when you mention something or someone in a conversation
10. the feeling someone or something is not true or that he cannot be
11. unwilling and therefor slow down to do something
12. Important new discovery or development
15. a liquid that you have in your mouth
19. empty and sad
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