April 27, 2010
Hej på er NH, trogen läsare som först nu skapat ett forumacc osv!
Jag var med om något konstigt idag.
Vanligtvis filtrerar Gmail bort allt spam, och slinker något igenom så är det lätt att se vad det handlar om. Men inte idag.
Efter en del efterforskningar valde jag att svara på mailet som om det var äkta.
Hello *****,
Please find attached our rates for UK pallet consignment. They also include a breakdown of our surcharges and pallet dimensions. Please get in touch if you have any queries.
Best Regards,
This email and any files transmitted within it
from Chambers & Cook Freight Ltd are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager at [email]Administrator@chambers-and-cook.co.uk[/email]
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been
checked for the presence of computer viruses.
20100427151814486.pdf 20100427151814486.pdf
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***** *****
to Richard
show details 6:35 PM (2 hours ago)
Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about. This e-mail somehow passed both gmails and my own personal spam-filter.
This leads me to believe that either the world just shrunk to the size of a tennis ball and someone else with my name has a similar E-mail. That, or your whole homepage is a facáde for a scam of some sorts (but since it's a pretty well made site I doubt it).
Now if you're a legitimate company and this was a legitimate E-Mail, kindly explain what it's doing in a 24 year old swedish citizens (who has no interest in pallets) mailbox.
Då jag svarat med detta ploppade det in ytterligare ett mail från någon annan på samma "företag":
Hi ******,
Rates attached as requested,
Best regards
Chris White
Forwarding Manager
Chambers & Cook Freight Ltd
077 699 32343
****** ****** (Mitt namn) IMP 04 012 GUANGZHOU-WEST BROMWICH.doc ****** ****** IMP 04 012 GUANGZHOU-WEST BROMWICH.doc
500K View as HTML Open as a Google document Download
***** ******
to Chris
show details 6:42 PM (2 hours ago)
No. Stop emailing me. I don't know if this is spam or not, weirdly enough it seems legit.
I have no idea who or what you are, but I do know I have not ordered any of your services.
- Show quoted text -
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Chris White
Hi ,
Rates attached as requested,
Best regards
Chris White
Forwarding Manager
Chambers & Cook Freight Ltd
077 699 32343
Svarade på det där, varpå jag fick ett automatiskt mail om att han kommer tillbaka på torsdag.
Här är dokumentet som följde med mail nummer 2. Mail nummer 1 innehöll bara PDF filer med prislistor, helt normalt, inga virus.
Blir lite mystifierad över detta. Har ni varit med om något liknande?
April 27, 2010
dree wrote: Dom verkar ju vara riktiga personer också. Den ena har ju profiler på olika sidor så nu vet jag vad hans fru och barn heter. :bgrin:
Han måste nog ha snurrat till det lite. 🙂
Och välkommen till forumet!
Ja visst är det förbryllande? ;O
Har också googlat runt och kollat på div sidor, allt verkar legitimt.
Men mitt namn stod i dokumentet dom skickade, med prisuppgifter och allt.
+ att det stod vad det var dom skickade, "Commodity: Sauna's" xD
Så antingen har någon med mitt namn har beställt en bastu, eller så har dom haft en hejdundrandes firmafest och inte nyktrat till ännu.
Det läskiga är om någon har beställt en bastu i MITT namn.
April 27, 2010
Fick svar idag:
Your employees are sending me crap.
to wayne
show details Apr 27 (1 day ago)
Today I recieved what looks like a shipping statement from [email]chris.white@ccfreight.com[/email] and [email]richard.axford@ccfreight.com[/email]
You can read it yourself here:
According to that document there's a Sauna worth 2000£ that wants to be shipped to me.
Funnily enough Sweden is not mentioned anywhere. Odd, since that's where I have lived my whole 24 year life.
I also recieved some PDF files with a list of pallet rates.
I don't know if you guys had one hellua party this weekend and have yet to sober up, but I have never ever ordered a Sauna. In fact I hate Saunas, sweaty and crowded places they be.
I was about to mark this off as spam, but it seems completly legit. I googled around and found out that Chris and Richard are actually real people with real families, and that ccfreight is a real company with real employees.
There will be no end to my legal actions if a bill for 2000£ attached to a sauna I have never ordered arrives at my door.
I have never ordered anything from outside of sweden. Actually I haven't ordered anything at all for the last year.
Investigate this to the very core.
Please accept our apologies.
An e-mail address was typed with one letter missing, so the message came to you instead. This has now been corrected. We are a genuine company, not a scam site, so your PC is safe from us!
Once again our apologies for the confusion caused.
Best regards,
Chris White
Forwarding Manager
Chambers & Cook Freight Ltd
077 699 32343
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