July 13, 2002
Al Bundy... ja vad säger man... en symbol... en ikon... en förebild.
I dagens samhälle tar kvinnorna för sig mer och mer, utan män som al bundy är vi snart förlorade. NO MA'M!!!
Nej man han är en rolig figur från den forna generationen där kvinnan skulle laga mat och vara tyst 😀 tror inte vi någonsin kommer se en liknande karaktär på tv igen 🙄 Vem vet, om 50 år kanske vi ser en kvinnlig Alice/Alina Bundy
February 21, 2003
Bundy-citat: 😀
"What a life.... can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury the wife in the back yard!"
"Behind every succesfull man, there is a woman who didn't marry me!"
"Hooters, hooters, yum yum yum, hooters, hooters on a girl that's dumb"
"That's no lady. That's my wife!"
"...does that mean I have to have sex with my wife ?"
"A fat woman wobbled into the shoe store today..."
"Sure selling shoes is fun. But behind the glamour, it's like any other minimum wage slow death"
"Let me explain. It's just like an elevator. There's a 2 ton weight limit on those shoes..."
"Sorry, Peg, I didn't hear you. I was thinking of killing myself"
"I've got a woman so lame that she actually thinks that when I groan during sex it has anything to do with her"
July 13, 2002
Ogrebeast wrote: Bundy-citat: 😀
"What a life.... can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury the wife in the back yard!"
"Behind every succesfull man, there is a woman who didn't marry me!"
"Hooters, hooters, yum yum yum, hooters, hooters on a girl that's dumb"
"That's no lady. That's my wife!"
"...does that mean I have to have sex with my wife ?"
"A fat woman wobbled into the shoe store today..."
"Sure selling shoes is fun. But behind the glamour, it's like any other minimum wage slow death"
"Let me explain. It's just like an elevator. There's a 2 ton weight limit on those shoes..."
"Sorry, Peg, I didn't hear you. I was thinking of killing myself"
"I've got a woman so lame that she actually thinks that when I groan during sex it has anything to do with her"
HAHAHAHHA FAEN VA BRA!!! Ska helt klart använda dem, speciellt den andra 😀 Påminner lite om dr.cox i scrubs (också en underbar karaktär):
"Woh... Iii cared soo little back there i thought I was gonna faint" Precis efter nån berättat sina personliga problem för honom 😀
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