April 10, 2003
Santa = Satan?
* It dresses in blood red.
* It is immortal, as far as we know.
* It only appears at night, flying through the air with horned beasts at Its command.
* It uses some unknown sorcery to infiltrate billions of homes in one night.
* It is not afraid of fire or heat (in chimneys, for instance) or cold for that matter.
* It has beady, coal-black eyes (all pupil, maybe, or perhaps insect-like).
* Its bloated midsection wiggles like gelatin (an undead substance made of decaying animal parts).
* It is sometimes called "Old Nick" (which pretends to refer to St. Nicholas, but is really a nickname [ETP] of the Devil).
* Its name is an anagram of Satan Lucas, which sounds very sinister to me ("the Light of Satan"?).
* It spreads Its message of greed and gluttony on the very eve of the celebration of Christ's birth.
* Indeed, many children believe in Satan Lucas many years before ever learning of the "true meaning of Christmas", and even then the "true meaning" is largely ignored, and the evil rites are passed on to another generation.
* There is a song about It which begins, "you'd better watch out..."
* Its minions, an elaborate network of spying adults, keep tabs on your behavior throughout the year, and postal services of the world dutifully deliver reports to It.
In short, Santa Claus is an evil conniving demigod, who has become powerful enough to control the economy, tempt people to do very wicked actions (all cloaked in "holiday spirit"), and battle jesus for control of his own birthday. The cult of Satan Lucas is growing rapidly. Children are being programmed to be evil minions when they become adults. Ritual sacrifices of innocent milk and cookies are offered up to Its obesity. Depression, crime, and suicides increase during the Christmas hellidays, and no wonder...
January 18, 2004
Mind wrote: punkt 1, Santa är bara det engelska språkets namn för jultomten, vad jag vet så uppstog han i tyskland nånstans.
är inte den röda klädseln typ från början av 1900 talet ?
Jo, sverige hade julbocken innan dess, och ryssland gråa tomtar... lite närmre mellanöstern var det en grönklädd tomte...
Sluta klaga på tomten, han ger mig saker =)
February 12, 2003
GatriC wrote: Har hört att det var Coca-Cola som gjorde tomten röd :cy: Vet dock inte om jag tror på det.
Enligt min lärare också...
Och Bin Laden har visst gjort så att det inte blir nån bottensats i den heller...:)
Slutsats: Jag har inget emot varken Jultomten eller Bin Laden.
July 14, 2004
Tomtens Röda dräkt uppstod med Coca Cola Kulturen i USA 🙂
...läs på om det, finns en hel del o läsa 🙂
antagligen för att han ser rund o snäll o go ut som alla har efterapat det.
egentligen hade varje hus en hustomte i sverige förr i tiden
han var klädd i grå och gjorde man han sur så drog det olycka över gården, o han ställde till besvär, läste om denna skiten i skolan för några år sen :p
May 17, 2004
Top Ten Signs that Santa is a Communist Revolutionary:
1. Strategic location at North Pole allows him easy access to allies in China, "former" Soviet Union, Canada, and Massachusetts.
2. Leads devoted masses of workers, i.e., the elves.
3. Totalitarian theory of morality --"naughty" or "nice" -- is based entirely upon acquiescence with the demands of authority figures.
4. Replacement of religion with secular humanism. No examples necessary, but I know of places where the Nativity scene now includes reindeer. Also, how many times have you seen the term "X-mas"?
5. Encouragement of crass capitalism at Christmastime is used as subtle demonstration of capitalism's excesses which, in turn, tends to build discontent with capitalism as social system. Go to the mall if you need an example.
6. Blatant attempt to replace family unit with devotion to Santa -- "Sit on my lap and tell Santa what you want for Christmas"
7. International focus: He visits children all over the world without deference to existing political borders.
8. Disregard for property rights: Without invitation, he lands his vehicle on roofs, and enters the home by stealth in the middle of the night.
9. Exclusive focus on building popularity among children. As another famous communist, Jack Kennedy, once said, "Those who have the youth, have the future."
10. Favorite color: RED.
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