January 17, 2002

:)R :)R :)R
Kolla vad det står, och kolla killen :)R :)R :)R
August 16, 2002

Yea, it became alot more funny than what we thought. When the picture was made, it was supposed to be his o/ 'coz she took her clothes off, that was funny. But right after we posted it a few places, we got the idea to create a free mailaccount. after that on msn and make an user. First we thought nobody would be that, well naive, to actually try and see if it worked.
But that thought, we forgot fast, when there within an hour, was ~100 on the msnlist. We were laughin' ourself to death, when somebody actually started to lie about where they got the adress from, probably because they wanted to score Lizette and get more pictures.
But when we got close to 150 (as the most know is the top for msn), we got a lil' namechange ready..
The new Name: MSN MAX REACHED, THATS 150 WHO GOT FUCKING OWNED.. ALL YOUR NAMES WILL BE POSTED ONLINE (no not emails and no im not a chick
After that somebody started to come with "yea but.. we knew it was a joke", mm sure
To all of those who could take the joke, and to those who thought we were cool. Thanks :
It also have to be said that there was alot who only came on to say somebody have posted a picture of Lizette online, which was very sweet of you, but your still owned.
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