April 3, 2003

Jag känner bara att jag måste posta denna länk.
May 8, 2003

Campaigner wrote: Hehe jag trodde verkligen inte att ungar sa så roliga saker.
Lite syrlig kommentar där: "I'm sure that everbody that created this game are dead by now". Spoiled little brats.....
haha.. tyckte nästan denna var bättre:
"But you can get this game on a cell phone. Why would you want to pay for it in an arcade?"
nån som sa spoiled little brats? 😛

February 12, 2003

"EGM: Who's that chick Mario is rescuing up there?"
"Kirk: It's a hooker."
"Kirk: Quit falling into the stupid pit, you piece of s***!" Han e het...
"Sheldon: No! No! Not E.T.! Kill! Kill! Kill E.T.! Glock E.T.!" Hysterisk 🙄
"John: But you can get this game on a cell phone. Why would you want to pay for it in an arcade?"
Stackars nörden om Space Invaders, fr. '78...:D
December 25, 2000

AMD_RULEZ wrote: "EGM: Who's that chick Mario is rescuing up there?"
"Kirk: It's a hooker."
"Kirk: Quit falling into the stupid pit, you piece of s***!"Han e het...
"Sheldon: No! No! Not E.T.! Kill! Kill! Kill E.T.! Glock E.T.!" Hysterisk 🙄
"John: But you can get this game on a cell phone. Why would you want to pay for it in an arcade?"
Stackars nörden om Space Invaders, fr. '78...:D
"Kirk: Quit falling into the stupid pit, you piece of s***!" du vet väl att han snackar om ET, utnämnt av mängder av till världens sämsta spel någonsin. Atari (eller vem som nu gjorde det) grävde ju ner alla spel som inte såldes i öknen någonstans sägs det.

February 12, 2003

ViU wrote: [quote=AMD_RULEZ]"EGM: Who's that chick Mario is rescuing up there?"
"Kirk: It's a hooker."
"Kirk: Quit falling into the stupid pit, you piece of s***!"Han e het...
"Sheldon: No! No! Not E.T.! Kill! Kill! Kill E.T.! Glock E.T.!" Hysterisk 🙄
"John: But you can get this game on a cell phone. Why would you want to pay for it in an arcade?"
Stackars nörden om Space Invaders, fr. '78...:D
"Kirk: Quit falling into the stupid pit, you piece of s***!" du vet väl att han snackar om ET, utnämnt av mängder av till världens sämsta spel någonsin. Atari (eller vem som nu gjorde det) grävde ju ner alla spel som inte såldes i öknen någonstans sägs det.
Hehe... hade jag ingen aning om... lite för ung för'et...
November 4, 2001

haha fett kul!
"Tim: Which button do I press to make the blocks explode?
EGM: Sorry, they don't explode.
Becky: This is boring. Maybe if it had characters and stuff and different levels, it would be OK. If things blew up or something or—
Sheldon: If there were bombs.
Becky: Yeah, or special bricks. Like, if a yellow brick touched a red brick it would blow up and you'd have to start over.
John: Why haven't I won yet? I've paired up so many of the same color.
EGM: Don't worry about colors.
John: I just lined up six of the same color. Why didn't they blow up?
EGM: Nothing blows up."
Dom verkar lite fixerade vid att saker ska sprängas, och hur fan kan dom inte veta hur tetris funkar?
April 8, 2003

ERx wrote: Dagens spel har ju absolut ingen handling.
Dagens spel:
Spring, Skjut -> Nästa level
Tacka vet jag supermario.... Det ägde
Ja, vilken tur att Mario hade en sån underbar handling! Rädda en princessa från en muterad sköldpadda, och käka svampar på vägen dit.
Har du kanske missat Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy-serien, Zelda, Syberia, Neverwinter Nights osv. osv. osv.
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