October 6, 2003
Jag har hittat min väg till Carentan och jag börjar bli less.
Gear Box säger att Supress och Flank är det enda sättet att klara sig vidare i BiA. Problemet är att jag inte hittar någon väg alls att flanka tyskarna på. Mina mannar står bakom en mur, lite längre fram står tyskarna bakom en mur och de bara skjuter på varandra utan att det händer nåt. Det slutar med att jag får sikta ut dem när de tittar fram och på detta sättet förlorar jag en massa ammunition.
Är jag bara helt lost eller är det så att det inte går att flanka tyskarna, förutom på enstaka ställen i just Carentan? För att inte tala om de förbannade pansarvagnarna.
Need help 🙁
April 27, 2004
C17 -- D+6 -- Chapter 17 -- Push into Carentan
Secure the Industrial Region of Carentan;
Push into town. The Germans know that if the Allies can hold Carentan, the
invasion will succeed - expect mechanized infantry.
When the level starts, Mac and Legget will go away again. Now move your fire
team to the right, behind the wall and let them suppress the enemy from there.
Move the assault team behind the crates and suppress the MG. Then cross the
street and go around the building. Shoot the MG-guy in the back and also
shoot the other two Germans there. Regroup and pick up the BAR.
Go south from here and let your team suppress the two German groups from
behind the walls. Go further south a bit, take cover there and shoot the
Germans behind the sandbags when they pop their head above. Once they're
dead, you can easily flank the other enemies. Regroup and go back to the
street, through the alley. Let your team take cover and suppress the Germans
on the other side of the street. Then cross it and flank again. Move further
west and let your teams suppress the enemies from behind the railings here.
Run past the truck, to the little building and you're in the back of the
Germans. Shoot them and take cover behind the walls. Then also shoot the
Germans on the other side. Regroup again and move south, to the industrial
area. Let your team take cover past the wooden railing and run to the wall
on the right side of the next building (the one after the silo's). Checkpoint.
Wait here until the tank drives by. Drop a grenade inside and go further
south. You can easily flank some Germans here. Take their position and shoot
two more. Then run to the building in front of you and wait there until
another tank drives to you. Again, use a grenade to blow it up. Then regroup
and go to the street in the north-east. Let your teams take cover and suppress
the enemy here. Then go around them, use the trucks as cover and take them
out. You can also use the safer way and just wait until you can see their
heads and use the BAR to take them down. Either way, after that, some Germans
will come out of the warehouse on the south. Take them down, using sandbags
and the truck as cover. Then meet Mac. Checkpoint.
The warehouse must be cleared, so go inside and let your teams suppress the
enemy. Then go on the left side of the crates and flank three Germans. From
here, you can also shoot some more behind the window. Then run outside and use
the truck as cover. Then run to the crates on the left. More Germans appear
in front of you. Use the BAR and shoot them. Go to the little stone stairs
outside the warehouse. From the door, shoot the MG-controller. Then go
somewhat further and enter the building. Shoot two enemies behind the window
and use the crates as cover. Shoot some more behind crates on the right and
take their position. From here, take out the last. Go outside again.
Go left and crouch. You can now go past the MG. Keep your head down and go to
the truck. On the left side is an entrance. Go in it and flank the MG. Once
taken out, call your squad to move in and clear the building. Now meet Mac to
end your mission
October 6, 2003
Nomic wrote: men herregud, det är ju i genren "springaigenomspeletopangalitegubbarpåvägen"genren... klarade hela spelet på 1 dag (17 timmar enligt DF)
seriöst, bästa sättet att vinna i det spelet är att bara springa fram o skjuta dom i skallen.
Håller med. Dina mannar är totalt dumma i huvudet, och jag tror inte att de någonsin har dödat en tysk. Jag sätter ut dem på ett ställe så de kan skjuta lite random på tyskar över hela området, sen smyger jag och mejar ner dem med granater och min Thompson.
Tycker VERKLIGEN inte att de har lyckats alls med hela "Supress and Flank"-idén.
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