August 6, 2004
här ett par prylar ni kan ända om ni har problem med spelet och om ni vill få ner fpsen
Config Tweaks Courtesy of log1k:
Add These:
seta com_videoram "128" <--- 128 because I have the 128mb Ti4200...was only being read as 64mb by doom
seta com_allowconsole "1"
Change These to what I have here:
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512"
seta image_cacheMegs "96"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" <-- Normally says GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
seta image_anisotropy "0"
doing this has increased my fps from about 30 to 60. highly recommended.
ctrl + alt + ~ for console
timedemo "demo1" run timedemo
com_showfps "1" shows FPS
pm_thirdperson 1 third person
g_showplayershadow 1 shows players shadow
F12 take screenshots
a bunch of people have not been able to see muzzle flashes, which helps a lot in the dark obviously, if you look in your config, all 4 of these commands usually have a "0" next to them, just change to "1".
seta g_decals "1"
seta g_projectileLights "1"
seta g_doubleVision "1"
seta g_muzzleFlash "1"
i forget which goon did this, but it gets rid of most bob from running, he noticed a decent improvment in FPS
set pm_bobroll = 0 // default: "0.002"
set pm_bobpitch = 0 // default: "0.002"
set pm_bobup = 0 // default: "0.005"
set pm_runroll = 0 // default: "0.005"
set pm_runpitch = 0 // default: "0.002"
set pm_runbob = 0 // default: "0.4"
set pm_walkbob = 0 // default: "0.3"
set pm_crouchbob = 0 // default: "0.5"
according to monkeys
Make sure you read all the way through the thread. You have to change several values to see a performance increase.
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "256"
seta image_cacheMinK "20480"
Without the useCache value set to 1, the cacheMegs variable does nothing. Also, without changing the cacheMinK value, setting useCache to "1" will crash the game on loading. All three variables have to be set as so. The cacheMegs you can set to whatever you feel your computer can handle. This tweak really just prevents stuttering and lag when the engine tries to load new resources. The framerate won't really change(sometimes it does), it'll just keep the game running smoother overall. This is a big deal when there's a fucking imp behind the door and your fps drops too fast for you to avoid it.
heres some usefal crap from schwenz
I'm compiling a list of Console Commands/cheats/hints etc.
Here is a .rtf file of what I've got so far.
This file includes commands for
All weapons
All enemies (including variations)
All levels (including 3 test levels)
All PDA's
All Videos
Unlocking Nightmare Mode
Running doom on non XP/2000 computers
.CFG file tweaks
Please "Save As"
SPOILERS thread by MirrorSAW
SnyperKill found this site with 2 doom 3 coop vid, be warned though
SPOILERS doom 3 coop videos SPOILERS
on another note: i found this on some doom 3 forum, haent tried it yet, but it may be fun until the coop mod comes out
"ok well its kinda here now anyway check this out follow these intructions
1. server makes a Team DM game and waits for all players to join
2. once everbody is joined and playing server does typesd this in console
si_map game/mars_city2 ( press enter )
nextmap (press enter)
server will now load next map in single player mode where other people can join it
onces all players are in new game u join the same Team, be it red or blue
its very buggy and cut sceens make a mess of things but its something i have that maybe somebody else can improve upon
Silicon Effect"
found by arach, could this be true?
August 8, 2003
August 11, 2002
Pfanner wrote: här ett par prylar ni kan ända om ni har problem med spelet och om ni vill få ner fpsen
Men jag vill ha upp fps 😉
Sen så kan man ändra image_cacheMegs lite mer, upp 256 tror jag det var en somgjort och fortfarande tjänade fps på det.
Sen vet jag itne om det stod. Men man ska visst packa upp texturerna eller nåt innan. Så den inte packar upp medan man spelar.
October 11, 2002
keffing wrote: [quote=Pfanner]min syster som bor i usa skickade det till mig vad har det med saken och göra ??? 🙄
man får nämligen inte snacka wäärsh på detta forum... men om din kompis kusins halvbrors hund nu köpt det till dig i USA och faxat över så är det lugnt
Nu var det ju iofs hans syster som skickade det. Och faxa är nog lite svårt...
Eller hon kanske faxade över källkoden, så skrev han in allt i C++, och sen var det bara att spela! 🙄
Edit: Mitt 1000:e inlägg! Weeeeeee!
December 25, 2000
Behöver jag ens säga varför jag låste den. Antagligen eftersom annars kommer 142 personer att prvmsg;a mig och berätta hur det går att få det lagligt och varför jag inte skulle låst tråden.
Jag låser tråden eftersom vi har bestämt att vi inte accepterar Doom 3 snack före den 13;e. Jag är fullt medveten om att man kan ha importerat från USA, vet folk som gjort det, men då hänvisas jag dem till någon amerikanskt forum. Här låter ni bli att snacka om det innan den 13;e därmed basta.
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