November 4, 2003

German PC Games
E3 2004
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February 9, 2004

August 8, 2003

ConnectionProblem! wrote: Bara så ni vet kommer valve att sälja CS:source separat vilket betyder att spelet som ni ser på bilderna kommer kosta pengar.
Man kan porta vanliga CS 1.6 så det blir CS 1.6 med Hl2 source motorn (vilket ser förjävligt ut!) men det är inte samma sak som CS:source.
När har de sagt det?
February 9, 2004

Från DriverHeaven-interview with Valve Gabe n Doug........det viktigaste
As the release date nears what are the current minimum CPU/Memory and graphics card requirements in order to run Half-Life 2? Has this changed considerably between your original planned min specs or has it remained relatively close?
[Doug Lombardi] The min spec is:
1.2 GHz Processor
DirectX 7 level graphics card
Windows 2000/XP/ME/98
*Will Counter-Strike: Source be a stand alone retail game, or HL2 mod that can be purchased or downloaded, like the original Counter-Strike?
[Doug Lombardi] It’s likely to be sold in a variety of ways. We will be releasing more specific info a bit closer to launch.
*Will Counter-Strike: Source be multi-player only, have single-player with bots, or also have "real" single-player mode like HL2 and Condition Zero?
[Doug Lombardi] At launch, it will be multiplayer only.
The game will obviously be available through Steam, what are the plans other than Steam at this time, DVD and CD versions? Also how will the releases be staggered? Will it hit Steam before the discs are in stores or will it all be on the same day?
[Doug Lombardi] There will be a standard edition box and a collector’s edition box of Half-Life 2 released on the same day the game is made available via Steam.
February 9, 2004

ConnectionProblem! wrote: Från DriverHeaven-interview with Valve Gabe n Doug........det viktigaste
As the release date nears what are the current minimum CPU/Memory and graphics card requirements in order to run Half-Life 2? Has this changed considerably between your original planned min specs or has it remained relatively close?
[Doug Lombardi] The min spec is:
1.2 GHz Processor
DirectX 7 level graphics card
Windows 2000/XP/ME/98
*Will Counter-Strike: Source be a stand alone retail game, or HL2 mod that can be purchased or downloaded, like the original Counter-Strike?
[Doug Lombardi] It’s likely to be sold in a variety of ways. We will be releasing more specific info a bit closer to launch.
*Will Counter-Strike: Source be multi-player only, have single-player with bots, or also have "real" single-player mode like HL2 and Condition Zero?
[Doug Lombardi] At launch, it will be multiplayer only.
The game will obviously be available through Steam, what are the plans other than Steam at this time, DVD and CD versions? Also how will the releases be staggered? Will it hit Steam before the discs are in stores or will it all be on the same day?
[Doug Lombardi] There will be a standard edition box and a collector’s edition box of Half-Life 2 released on the same day the game is made available via Steam.
Låter bra det!
Jag hoppas att fjortisarna inte kommer ha råd med nya datorer. Eller att deras säckar ihop! Jag är TRÖTT på fjortisar och småbarn som skriker "horunges n00b cheater" när dom dör...

December 31, 2001

taffiz wrote: [quote=ConnectionProblem!]Från DriverHeaven-interview with Valve Gabe n Doug........det viktigaste
As the release date nears what are the current minimum CPU/Memory and graphics card requirements in order to run Half-Life 2? Has this changed considerably between your original planned min specs or has it remained relatively close?
[Doug Lombardi] The min spec is:
1.2 GHz Processor
DirectX 7 level graphics card
Windows 2000/XP/ME/98
*Will Counter-Strike: Source be a stand alone retail game, or HL2 mod that can be purchased or downloaded, like the original Counter-Strike?
[Doug Lombardi] It’s likely to be sold in a variety of ways. We will be releasing more specific info a bit closer to launch.
*Will Counter-Strike: Source be multi-player only, have single-player with bots, or also have "real" single-player mode like HL2 and Condition Zero?
[Doug Lombardi] At launch, it will be multiplayer only.
The game will obviously be available through Steam, what are the plans other than Steam at this time, DVD and CD versions? Also how will the releases be staggered? Will it hit Steam before the discs are in stores or will it all be on the same day?
[Doug Lombardi] There will be a standard edition box and a collector’s edition box of Half-Life 2 released on the same day the game is made available via Steam.
Låter bra det!
Jag hoppas att fjortisarna inte kommer ha råd med nya datorer. Eller att deras säckar ihop! Jag är TRÖTT på fjortisar och småbarn som skriker "horunges n00b cheater" när dom dör...
Finns Condition zero att köpa som filtrerar bort 90% av dem.
July 10, 2003

Death On Wings wrote: Tänk om man ändå behövde fylla i person uppgifter och sånt så att de kunde kolla så att man va 15 och upp som man ska va för vissa spel 😛
Hehe det vore ganska gött iofs, slippa alla skrikande småbarn.
Själv såg man fram emot moppe när man fyllde 15, de ser fram emot CS 😀 haha
August 8, 2003

ConnectionProblem! wrote: Från DriverHeaven-interview with Valve Gabe n Doug........det viktigaste
Ok, vart står det att CS:S kommer säljas sepparat?
CS:S Betatest för internet caféer och senare CS:CZ ägare.

December 31, 2001

mAniAk- wrote: [quote=ConnectionProblem!]Från DriverHeaven-interview with Valve Gabe n Doug........det viktigaste
Ok, vart står det att CS:S kommer säljas sepparat?
CS:S Betatest för internet caféer och senare CS:CZ ägare.
Enda jag läst är att hl2 kommer säljas med cs:s eller cs:s kommer säljas med hl2 🙂
Däremot alla som har CZ kommer att få det portat till CZ-S enligt folk och vissa mail från folk som håller på med det.
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