February 12, 2003

mAniAk- wrote: [quote=reval]nu får vi väl snart se vilket av x800 och 6800 som är bäst på riktigt då.. det vore trevligt om doom3 och hl2 kommer ha inbyggda benchmarks, som tex ut2k3.
Nvidia har alltid varit bäst på OpenGL så 6800 kommer vara "bäst".
"Power is nothing without control" 😀
Det är där ATi kommer in i bilden 😀
June 24, 2004

Continental Op wrote: [quote=x-per] "Power is nothing without control" 😀
Det är där ATi kommer in i bilden 😀
Du använder ju en slogan för bildäck ang grafikkort, du måste vara helt rubbad 😛
haha aldrig skådat en sådan buuurn! 😛
förövrigt så anser jag att x800 är så mycket ballare, 6800 får mig att tänka på bäbisar eller annat fånigt. men man får väl försöka gilla läget, 6800 verkar ju ha mest potential i dagsläget.
August 8, 2003

Yeah, I was lucky enough to receive my copy today, so I'll share it with you guys.
1. 6800 is a tad faster than X800 cards. Both run it in full glory
2. The game has four render paths: NV10, NV20, R200, and ARB2. All paths look awesome, even down to a g4mx, but the ARB2 path is the "full package," and is used for the R300+ and Geforce FX+ cards. It does all it's fancy **** in one pass.
3. PCI Express enhances NOTHING.
4. The difference between a 128mb and 256mb card is that the former uses compressed textures whereas the latter only compresses diffuse and specualr maps. In another words, no big deal. However, a 500mb card is needed to run the game in Ultra Quality mode.
5. 512MB is the ideal system total memory. 384 is required, 1GB is nice, but the difference is negligible.
6. Nothing special is included for a 64-bit OS.
7. A 1.5 Ghz processor is the least recommended, but a 2Ghz and above will help since...
8...The sound engine is entirely CPU dependant. Therefore a crappy soundcard works flawlessly. Not to worry, the enfine only uses a "small percentage of cycles, much less than if the engine relied on a soundcard.
9. The only reccommendation regarding faster framerates is to disable to "advanced special effects option." In other words, upgrade if you have problems.
10. They tie it up by providing three levels of "Doom lovin' PC's"
1.5GhzP4 or equivalent
512MB Ram
Geforce4 Ti 4800 or Radeon 9500
2.4GhzP4 or equivalent
Geforce5950 or Radeon 9800 Pro/XT
High_End: Aka Hardware that doesn't exist, but best guess anyway
3.4GhzP4 or AMD equivalent
GeForce 6800 Ultra or Radeon X800 XT PE.
In conclusion, the game will run well on a variety of hardware, and Rob Duffy, the lead programmer, says that the game looks real good no matter what, and that it will continue to look better as hardware improves. Like all previous id engines, we'll be playing games based on D3 for another five years down the road.
June 3, 2001

mAniAk- wrote: Low-End:
1.5GhzP4 or equivalent
512MB Ram
Geforce4 Ti 4800 or Radeon 9500Mid-Range:
2.4GhzP4 or equivalent
Geforce5950 or Radeon 9800 Pro/XTHigh_End: Aka Hardware that doesn't exist, but best guess anyway
3.4GhzP4 or AMD equivalent
GeForce 6800 Ultra or Radeon X800 XT PE.
Jag KAN köra på Low-End.
Alla som känner att dom kan köra på High End räcker upp en hand.
December 6, 2001

Sväääärord vad det här kommer att bli skoj. Äntligen något dagens hårdvara inte klarar av (tänker på ultra quality). Hoppas vi får se lite ordentliga benchmarks snarast.
Jag hade ju bara tänkt spendera ~2000 spänn på nytt grafikkort, men nu lär det väl klättra upp mot ett x800Pro. Antar att jag inte är ensam att tänka så. Snacka om att nvidia och ati tjänar på de nya spelen.
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