November 30, 2004
tjena, köpte GTR förra veckan och nu tänkte brorsan och jag prova köra det på LAN, men precis som till TOCA RACE DRIVER 2 funkar det inte att köra med en crack exe fil.
skulle någon kunna hjäpa mig med detta? är som bambi på isen när det kommer till deras förklaring 🙂
No-CD method:
In order to play without swapping the original CD-Rom all the time you need to do the following...
1. Make sure you have the latest version of Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools installed.
2. Install GTR.
3. Shut down your computer and disconnect all your cd/dvd drives.
4. Start up your computer.
5. Open your Computer Management then go to> Device Manager> System Devices. ??????
If you have Alcohol installed you should see "Plug and Play BIOS Extension" and if you have Daemon Tools you should see "PnP BIOS Extension". If you have both installed you have to do the following for both.
6. Right click "Plug and Play BIOS Extension" or "PnP BIOS Extension" and go to Properties.
7. On the Details tab you can select "Device Instance ID". Looks like ROOTSYSTEM003. Remember or write down the last numbers.
8. Now you go to> Start> Run> Now you type: regedit
WARNING! You are now about to edit the registry. Errors in the registry can cause errors in your system. If you do exactly what's described here it won't go wrong. You are responsible for your own actions.
9. On the left side you go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumR ootSYSTEM
10. Under the system folder you see the number(s) as you found in step 7.
11. Right click the number(s) and select "Permissions"
12. Click on the System group and set "Read" to "Deny"
13. Close regedit
14. Mount the .mds from this package
15. Start the game and use this serial: F84GX-WK9MB-VDBG3-S9VSH-Q6D3N
NOTE: This serial will only work with the .mds included.
16. Start the game and enjoy!
When you update Alcohol or Daemon you need to follow these steps again.
November 30, 2004
November 30, 2004
Spidey wrote: [quote=Knopp]som jag skrev "Tjena, köpte GTR förra veckan och nu tänkte brorsan och jag prova köra det på LAN, men precis som till TOCA RACE DRIVER 2 funkar det inte att köra med en crack exe fil."
Vem är det som har skrivit den förklaringen ?
tankade ner den från DC...
det är ju inte olagligt att cracka ett spel man äger för eget bruk.
November 30, 2004
November 30, 2004
November 30, 2004
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