December 19, 2000
De störst märkbara skillnaderna är ju Voicecom, att det finns, och banorna som är ändrade en del..jag har kört 1.3 så länge nu, så att jag inte kommer ihåg 1.1.
Här är ändringarna enligt (officiella)
Here is the changelog for 1.3:
- Multicast spectator added.
- Voice communication added.
- Added server chat to logging.
- Redesigned multiplayer scoreboard.
- CapsLock key is now bindable.
- Switching to Spectator is now logged.
- Changed minimum value for "mp_chattime" to 1 second
- Changed minimum value for "mp_buytime" to 0.25 (15 seconds)
- Radio commands can be heard by nearby enemies.
- Commandmenu support implemented.
Bitwise cvar to set the level of detail for logging attacks.
Bit 0 - Log Enemy Attacks
Bit 1 - Log Teammate Attacks
default: 0
"mp_logdetail 0" - Log no attacks
"mp_logdetail 1" - Log enemy attacks
"mp_logdetail 2" - Log teammate attacks
"mp_logdetail 3" - Log enemy AND teammate attacks
Sets the amount of starting money players may have.
maximum: 16000
minimum: 800
default: 800
Bug Fixes :
- Bunny hopping removed.
- Fixed client-side shots not matching the server-side counterparts.
- Fixed banned.cfg problem with more than 1024 entries.
- Fixed screenshots overwriting each other.
- Buffer overflow exploit fixed.
- "condump", "cmdlist", and "cvarlist" only write out to the game directory.
- Fixed Spectator mode bug.
- Fixed hitbox issues.
- Fixed nightvision bug.
- Fixed "slot10" not working correctly
October 8, 2001
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