June 3, 2001
Såg att man kunde göra om "CRX´n" Dushen nånting (vet inte vad den heter i spelet men den ser ut som en nyare Honda CRX) till bakhjulsdriven.
Det ska jag faen testa. 🙂
Angående utvexlingarna så kunde jag bara göra det på 6:orna.
Inte 4:an och V8:an. 😕
Däremot hitta jag så bilen kan driva 70% bak och 30% fram m man så vill om man har 4WD.
Det är en GTA motor i bilen på senaste bilden.
Edit: http://www.scootz.dk/forums.ph.....s&s=6
Kolla på bilarna dom har skapat..
En 4:a med 900 häst..
Hur i helv.. gör dom!! 👿 😮
September 7, 2001
Min nya kärra..
Här har ni ngt att bita i 🙄
September 7, 2001
här är uppgifterna på delar man behöver för att trimma skiten ur bilarna :bgrin:
(guiden är inte min så klaga inte på mig om ni inte får till det) 😀
Einvagen, 674HP 487TQ
you can only put the einvagen blocks in the einvage, so if u own a einvagen, and want 674HP 487TQ (thanx to blue dude) this is how u do it.
per pro gta block, per pro gta crank, ein gt crank bearing bridge, ein oil pan, per pro i40 rods, *important..* the SECOND ein gt pistins u see, not the ones next to the per pro's. you know you got the right ones when your engine works when u go to see ur HP, if u get some shit about compression issues, you got the wrong ones, they ARE actually different, anyway, continuing: ein alternator, ein gtk supercharger, supercharger belt for ein, beirn 3.6 flywheel (lighter), kraftwerk 2.5 clutch, per pro gta 6 speed street trans with center differential for AWD, per pro cylinder head, duhen DVC intake / exhaust camshafts, ein camshaft bridge, per pro head cover, per pro camshaft belt, HIB535T4 shimutshibu intake manifold, methanol injection rail, nitrous 4 channel rail, now set exhaust camshaft to -14, and intake camshaft to -13, and methanol rail to 16.00. idle to 900, redline to 6500. (click adjust tool on camshafts, alcohol rail (silver) nos rail (all the way up) and block for idle and redline limit)
Duhen/Ishima/Focer cars 896HP 579TQ**
in this we will put:
Duhen 22v block, d22v crank, duhen crank bearing bridge, duhen oil pan, d15v/18v/20cv connecting rods, 1.5 pistons (used to be 80er), duhen alternator, biern 3.6 flywheel, KW 2.5 clutch, faktun group tran6 transmission, with center differential for AWD, ishima WR head, duhen DVC intake and exhaust camshafts, ishima camshaft bearing bridge, ishima superturizmo head cover, duhen solar wind exhaust, shimutshibu RC MWFCR22W12 turbo, HIB535T4 shimutshibu intake manifold, methanol injection rail, nitrous 4 channel rail, duhen camshaft belt. set exhaust camshaft to -14 with tune tool, intake to -13 (UPDATE, I SQUEEZED 2 MORE TORQUE, NOW 579), tune nos rail all the way up, and turbo all the way up to 2 bar, tune block to 650 idle, and 7000 rpm rev limit. alcohol fuel rail to 16.00
I6 stats 775HP 421TQ
this motor will fit in beirn or emer:
beirn devil 3.6 block, KW 2.5 crank, biern crankshaft bearing bridge, beirn oil pan, KW 2.5 rods, KW 2.5 pistons, biern alternator, beirn alternator belt, 3.6 flywheel, KW 2.5 clutch, emer motorsport gt2 6 tranny, emer motorsport GT2 cylinder head, kw 2.5 intake manifold, emer street GT fuel rail, 6 channel nitrous rail, beirn GTIII exhaust header, emer GT2 intake/exhaust camshafts, emer camshaft bearing bridge, emer GT2 cylinder head cover, beirn camshaft belt, tune tool the intake camshaft to 13, and exhaust to -13, fuel to 13.5, block to 850rpm idle, 8750 rpm redline limit. NOS rail all the way UP.
V8 (Non Prime Motor) --- still messin with prime block This is GT block.
904HP 703TQ
MCGT block, MC GTLE crankshaft, SD (SuperDuty) crank bearing brdge, SD oil pan, SD alternator, SD alternator belt, Vee 8 supercharger Driver Pulley, (IF possible), Prime DLH flywheel and clutch, (IF not), SD flywheel and clutch, SD 750 Tranny (AWD), SD 500 heads, SD exhausts, SD intake and exhaust camshafts (all 4 please), SD camshaft bearing brdge, SD head covers, SD camshaft drivebelt, SD750 intake manifold, SL tuners 7 psi supercharger, supercharger belt, SD 500 carbs, 8 channel NOS kit, Tune tool the carbs to 12.50, both intake camshafts to -13, both exhaust camshafts to 15, nos rails all the way up, tune block idle to 700rpm and redline to minimum 6250, NOT TO HIGH, you will ruin this american made piece of junk.
To get 840HP and 844TQ****
which to me makes more sence and runs better, cause ur giving up 64 hp for 141 TQ, which is damn well worth it.
just swap the supercharger with the SD one. thats it.
September 23, 2002
Äntligen fått den bilen jag vill ha, inte skruvat något på den, förutom installation av NoS och lite replacement body kits...
June 3, 2001
NH|Falcon wrote: Äntligen fått den bilen jag vill ha, inte skruvat något på den, förutom installation av NoS och lite replacement body kits...
Haha.. du får allt trima den lite till.
Varje gång jag ser den i bilhallen så har jag inte råd..
Fick upp en Forcer 200 till ~900 häst idag..
Men den växlade en aning underligt..
1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6..
September 7, 2001
Gueno wrote: [quote=NH|Falcon]Äntligen fått den bilen jag vill ha, inte skruvat något på den, förutom installation av NoS och lite replacement body kits...
Haha.. du får allt trima den lite till.
Varje gång jag ser den i bilhallen så har jag inte råd..
Hmmm blandar du inte ihop MC GT'n nu med PRIME DHL?
Vad jag har fattat så går det bara vinna PRIME när man klarat Race of Champions?
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