August 4, 2002
Har skrivigt en jäääättelång engelsk forumpost på guru3d och orkar inte skriva om allt på svenska.. Så hoppas någon av er inte sov genom hela grundskolan 😛
This is a problem related to the use of X850XT card and counterstrike. So if u want to skip a whole lot of reading when your not interested in this, just well..dont 😀
I recently (1 week ago) bought a new graphicscard ( HIS ATI Radeon X850XT PE 256MB Ice Q - Vivo / DVi (AGP) ). Adn then formatted my brand new Harddrive aswell. Then I reinstalled windows XP (tried both sp 1 and sp 2 installs etc, just for future reference when u try to help me) and installed all the lates drivers for my hardware (wich is: AMD XP3000+, 1024 MB DDR ram, nforce2 based mainboard (abit, dont recall the exact model), SB Audigy 2 soundcard.
Now this may seem as a geeky proplem to have, but when I started STEAM and tried to play Counterstrike again I got..hmm.. like a motion studder? Its really hard to describe but I´ll do my best. It lost the "smooth" feel I had prior with my old card (9800XT).
Everything kind off studders when i move my crosshair around or when people are moving infront of me. It almost feels as if my card only rendered 2 out of 3 screens if that makes any sense 😛 Ive tried just about everything. V-sync on/off (should probably mention that I have no bandwith realted issues or fps issues of any sorts (well I do get some weird fps drops at times, but I can live with it even tho I know I shouldnt have that aswell).
I tried reinstalling different ATI drivers, modified and WHQL ones. Ive tried different resolutions and it seems to decrease in intensity (the studdering) when I raise it from 640x480 (Ive allways used that res. so dont tell me to change it ;)) to lets say 1024 for example, but its still there and very noticable. I reinstalled windows plenty of times and it still doesnt work..
I bought a new HDD just incase and..still there. Reinstalled steam, tweaked all of the "known" config commands and yet..nothing..
The card itself seems to be fine and I get good 3dmark scores compared to similar systems etc..
If anyone out there have a friend who had this problem and "fixed" it or have any clues what so ever as to what it might be.. Please write something.. Im out of ideas and getting really really sick of it.
April 13, 2004
Prova med forumet på där är de nog duktigast på ATi relaterade frågor 😛
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