June 21, 2006
Blixten kan slå ner i din mobil. Skrämmer SVT med i dag midsommarafton 2006.
September 1, 2002
Skrämselpropaganda. Mobiltelefoner är inte farligare än t.ex. paraply med metallskelett.
I ren lathet citerar jag ett inlägg på Slashdot där samma ämne diskuteras.
The best way to insulate oneself from lightning is to be _inside_ a metal object, such as an automobile.
Anyone who has seen the Electricity Show at the increasingly unchanging Boston Museum of Science knows that.
Lightning Safety tips, for the uniniated:
1. Do try to not be the highest thing around.
2. Don't stand under the highest thing around.
3. Don't lay flat on the ground if you are at a golf course or open field. Crouch.
3a. Some country clubs splurge and buy lightning detectors. Pay attention to the warning.
4. Seek freakin' shelter
5. 4 may conflict with 2.
6. Cell phones are the least of your worries.
7. Geeks should be more concerned whether the insurance covers the electronics.
8. The rubber soles of your shoes won't protect you.
9. If you are talking on your cell phone in the middle of a field during a lightning storm, Saint Darwin will announce "You! Out of the gene pool!" and take your soul.and lastly...
10. **"The Australian Lightning Protection Standard recommends that >>metallic objects, including cordless or mobile phones, should not be used (or carried) outdoors during a thunderstorm," Esprit added.** So drop your pants and toss your belt buckle when the storm hits.
June 21, 2006
Collateral wrote: Vem kom först, hönen eller ägget?
Först kom Åsa Nisse me hönsen, sen gick Albert & Herbert och sen kom Jag.
Träffad två gånger.
Mostern fick blixnedslag i huset. Sprang över till granne i regnet för att ringa brandkåren då slog blixten ner i paraplyet. Under utryckning körde brandkåren vilse och hamnade i diket. [-o<
Kommentar: Jag avundas dem som säger "Livet är kort, när blixten slår ner"!
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