April 18, 2001
Bytte precis saker från ett asus a7v133-c och tb1000@1500 och 512mb@150fsb mot ett Epox 8kha+,512DDR crucial och en XP1600+. Tyvärr så har det nya kortet rätt ofta startproblem i 152 fsb. Bara stannar vid tex omstart. Har ett 300W agg. Nån som har några ideer?
August 20, 2001
April 18, 2001
Tror inte det har kört den högre än så. Verkar mer som om den inte orkar ge ut tillräckligt med spänning för att starta. Frågan är nu om det är moderkortet eller mitt nätagg. Nätagget funkade ju bra till mina förra saker som egentligen ska dra mer... så misstänker att det inte finns tillräckligt med kondringar på epox kortet 🙁
April 17, 2001
Sätt i Epox senaste Beta Bios skall du se att det löser sig. http://www.3dxtreme.org/bios/8khaL00.BIN
Light a candle for all the Sinners.
Set the world on fire.
Duron 600@1243 MHz.
7569 i 3DMark 2001 med Duron 600.
[ Detta Inlägg ändrades av: Mjöde den 2001-12-19 00:45 ]
April 18, 2001
June 25, 2001
Hur du konfigurerar BETA Biosen:
IMPORTANT UPDATED INFO as of 16 December, 2001: To succesfully use this bios, you must follow this guideline:
1. Go to bios menu and go to Advanced Chipset Features, DRAM Clock/Drive Control
2. In DRAM CLOCK set to 133
3. In DRAM Timing if you select this:
-- By SPD:
* Only can overclock to FSB 133 - 149.
* Between FSB 150 and 159 system will hang with continuing short beep. You have to Clear CMOS
* At FSB 160 and above DRAM Timing will be times 3/4 (0.75). Upon boot, notice that the true value of DRAM Clock and DDR will be treated as PC1600
-- Manual:
* CAS 2.5 --> system will hang with continous short beep
* CAS 2 --> System will run normally. Now how high FSB you can go depends on the quality of your DDR. I have tried up
to FSB 167 Manual CAS 2, and the 3/4 DRAM Divider Does NOT Kickin'
So, if you choose 133 and by SPD in DRAM Timing, you can overclock only up to FSB 149 or just go straight to FSB 160. Don't forget to lower the multiplier and raise VCore & VDIMM proportionately. Do not Choose by Manual CAS 2.5 !!!
1. Go to bios menu and go to Advanced Chipset Features, DRAM Clock/Drive Control
2. In DRAM CLOCK set to 100 --> This will enable the 3/4 DRAM Divider Automatically
3. In DRAM Timing if you select "By SPD" OR "Manual" you must set SDRAM Cycle to 2. Then you can actually set CPU Clock in the Frequency/Voltage Control whatever value you want, including 150 to 159 WITHOUT hang or freeze. The 3/4 DRAM Divider is kickin'
If you are using this bios 8khal00, at any time do not set SDRAM Cycle to 2.5 cause it will hang. This bios does not like setting SDRAM Cycle = 2.5. It will only work for SDRAM Cycle = 2. I hope Epox will fix this in the new bios updates
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