July 13, 2003
Jag hade svårt för o klocka men detta är det enklaste knepet.
Before overclocking
Disable All CPU features like Enhanced Speed Step, C1E(Enhanced Halt State), TM2....Etc
Set Vcore to manual (Standard Vcore for ur CPU)
1. Lower the DRAM frequency to 667MHZ from 800Mhz so it will be FSB:RAM=1:1
Update : Set ur PCIe frequency to Manual and set it to 100MHz just to be sure it wont go high and do Video card Probs
2. Increase the FSB to 400MHz from 333Mhz(your stock speed) dont change the multiplyer leave it at 8 or Auto.
When you do this ur DRAM frequency will increase to 800MHz so itll be running on stock speed, No OC on Ram
3. And u got a overclock of 3.2GHz
4. And if ur system is not stable enough Increase the Vcore just a little bit and itll all be fine...
5. Keep ur Eye on the CPU temp all the time, dont let them pass : CPU temp>65 Core#0 >75 Core#1 >75...use speed fan or Core Temp to monitor the Temps
6. Run Orthos for a few hours to test the Stability..if it dont return any errors u are all done
Remember this the simplest OCing u can do..
happy Ocing dont fry ur CPU 😀
Jag gjorde exakt så och min dator är prime stable 11H, inga problem alls behövde inte ens öka volten (vilket kan behövas för några). Fick 59 grader celcius som max, Hur enkelt som helst, kan klocka mer men det behövs ej ALLT GÅR SÅ FORT ÄNDÅ!!!
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