October 22, 2001
Har hört att det ska vara lite strul med VIA kretsen på moderkortet och Westerns hårddiskar. Någon som vet om de strular eller om det bara är något rykte som går? Har någon haft problem med den kombinationen? Ska nog snart köpa ny hårddisk eftersom min IBM rasa, konsttigt 😉 , och är sugen på western med 8 mb cache.
August 29, 2002
Ryktets ursprung? 😕
"OBS! Western Digital's hårddiskar kan ha problem att detekteras på moderkort med VIA KT133A och 686B chipsets. Vi har sett det på Abit KT7A (raid), men enligt WD kan även felet uppträda med alla KT133A/686B-baserade moderkort tex MSI K7T Turbo, Asus A7V133, Epox 8KTA3. Säkrast är att undvika WD om du har ett sådant moderkort"
Källa: datorbutiken.com
July 9, 2002
Why is my Western Digital drive not detected by my motherboard?
It seems that certain Western Digital disk drives have a firmware incompatiblity with the KT133 and KT133A chipsets that causes them to not be detected by motherboards using these chipsets - such as the KT7/KT7A/KT7E motherboards (with or without RAID). Considerable discussion on this problem may be found on this thread at Western Digital's support site. A variety of disk drives seem to be affected and include the WD200, WD400BB, WD1000 plus other 20, 40, 60, 80 and 120GB models. Western Digital and ABIT are aware of the problem and Western Digital are apparently working on a firmware upgrade - see their site. Update: Several users with Western Digital disks have recently emailed me that there are no problems (3 May 2002) with new disks, and so it is likely that the firmware upgrade is now implemented.
Note that the jumper settings on the drive are "Single", "Master" and "Slave". If it is the only drive on the channel, you need to select "Single" not "Master". Some users have reported that if you cut the cut pins one and two (red stripe + one) on the 80-way ATA/66 cable the drive will use "Cable Select" and is detected properly.
One user reported that a solution was to boot into the BIOS with the old disk in place. Manually change the disk to none. Save changes and then Power off with the main power switch. Then remove the old disk. Connect the new Western Digital drive then reboot into the BIOS and force a manual re-detection of the HD. No cutting of cables was required
Källa Paul´s Unofficia ABIT KT7 FAQ
December 26, 2001
En kompis till mig tänkte köpa den hårddisken och han har det moderkortet med ett VIA KT266 chipet han mailade Western Digital och dom sa att det var fixat... att det inte skulle var några problem med den Westerns hårddiskar på VIA KT266 chipet på moderkortet.
Han köpte den för nån dag sen och den funkar fin fint nu.
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