August 22, 2005

Då var det dags för månadens upplaga av Catalyst. Som vanligt är det inte mycket nytt, det är mest bugfixar även denna gång.
Detta ska vara fixat i och med 4.4
* Connecting a secondary CRT and enabling VPU Recover no longer results in the operating system failing to restore itself
* The new rotation implementation no longer fails to update the desktop when doing a mode set on exit
* Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp and switching the DVI connector for HDTV to 480i no longer results in the HDTV device not working within the ATI Control Panel
* Setting the display resolution to 1152x864 32bpp under Windows XP and playing an MPEG or AVI file using the Windows Media Player no longer results in display corruption on the TV output
* Setting the display resolution to 1920x1080 on an ATI RADEON 9700 PRO when connected to a specific monitor no longer results in the image not being display
* The file version and the product version information is now correct
June 8, 2001

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