December 19, 2000
Driverheaven har återigen fått tag på en ATi-anställd att ställa sina frågor till. Denna gången är nVidia-avhopparen Richard Huddy. Richard jobbar på ATis Europeiska Developers Realations. Kort sagt hjälper han spelutvecklarna att lösa sina problem med, och optimera sina spel för, ATis produkter. Mycket av intervjun handlar just om skillnaderna mellan hans jobb för nVidia och ATi:
"[Zardon] Could you please tell us about the time when you and the co-founders of the Code Mafia left NVIDIA? Especially in the light of Nvidia's last 8 months problems and current disappointment? Did you see the forthcoming problems, wrong management decisions at the time when you left?
[Richard Huddy] NVIDIA used to be a technology company pure and simple but has recently allowed its-self to become led by marketing. To give two straightforward examples of things it has done wrong, it produced a product called the GeForce 4 MX, which is clearly a GeForce 2 class piece of hardware, and it spent almost a year too long producing the GeForce FX. The first costs the trust of buyers everywhere, and the second cost them the lead in a very competitive race. [...]"
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