April 17, 2005
Minnestillverkaren OCZ har meddelat att man lanserat inte mindre än sex nya minneskit för DDR2-marknaden. De nya kiten hittas i tillverkarens Blade samt Platinum serier och har alla en sak gemensamt, de består av 2 stycken 2GB moduler och arbetar vid låga spänningar. Till skillnad mot de flesta DDR2-moduler på marknaden som specificeras till 2.1V är OCZs nya minneskit specificerade till 1.8V och det med klockfrekvenser på mellan 1066MHz upp till 1200MHz. Även om DDR3-tekniken nu börjar få ett grepp om marknaden finns det stort intresse för DDR2-minne och med strömsnålare moduler kan DDR2-tekniken närma sig sin efterträdare något.
Läs mer i OCZs pressmeddelande;
OCZ Technology Unveils New High Performance DDR2 Memory Solutions
OCZ Technology Group, a worldwide leader in innovative, ultra-high performance and high reliability memory, today expanded their lineup of DDR2 to include new high-speed 4 GB kits qualified to operate and excel at a low voltages. These new OCZ solutions are designed to be the ultimate upgrade for users who not only want to reap the benefits of performance memory, but want a future-proof choice for their system.
“Though enthusiasts are known for applying increased voltage to modules in order to obtain higher performance, our newest modules offer exceptional speeds at lower voltages improving overall performance and stability,” commented Eugene Chang, Vice President of Product Management at the OCZ Technology Group. “By engineering modules with both high speed and reduced voltage requirements we are able to offer enthusiasts and gamers memory with increased headroom and overall better stability and performance over the long term."
OCZ’s premier 1200 MHz, 1150 MHz, and 1066 MHz low-voltage offerings are optimized to leverage the latest DDR2 platforms, operating at blazing speeds to deliver enhanced overclocking capabilities, particularly important to enthusiasts and gamers looking to get the most from their RAM. Featuring a low-voltage specification ideal for maintaining memory stability and ensuring compatibility with a wide range of current and imminent motherboards, the latest OCZ DDR2 kits are an excellent way to achieve breakneck frequencies without exceeding 1.8V.
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OCZ will release the low-voltage DDR2 kits under the high-end Blade and Platinum series designed specifically for enthusiasts:
OCZ PC2-9600 Blade Series Low Voltage (2x2GB) 5-5-5-18 @ 1.8V
OCZ PC2-9200 Blade Series Low Voltage (2x2GB) 5-5-5-18 @ 1.8V
OCZ PC2-8500 Blade Series Low Voltage (2x2GB) 5-5-5-18 @ 1.8V
OCZ PC2-9600 Platinum Series Low Voltage (2x2GB) 5-5-5-18 @ 1.8V
OCZ PC2-9200 Platinum Series Low Voltage (2x2GB) 5-5-5-18@ 1.8V
OCZ PC2-8500 Platinum Series Low Voltage (2x2GB) 5-5-5-18@ 1.8V
Each OCZ Blade and Platinum module is 100% hand-tested for quality
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