May 15, 2005
Porrindustrin har problem pga av all gratispr0n som finns att tillgå, så många medelålders män finns det inte som kan lägga stora pengar på hd pr0n och ni kids kommer definitivt inte göra det.
Sen skall jag påmina om ett underbart citat från Arne Ankas kusin när han var på besök i huvudstaden.
"Jag säger som farsgubben min, skall man se på porr skall det vara på en miniTV, det är mycket trängre så" sagt på dalmål
February 18, 2004
Vad jag vet så fick inte porrindustrin en välja, varken i Betamax-fallet eller i här. Sony vill helt enkelt inte ha porr på sina fina skivor 🙂 Inte då, och inte nu.
Then the cold hard reality intruded and Sony dropped the bomb. No, not the recalled Dell batteries, the fact that it would not allow any porn on Blu-ray at all. None. Never. When asked, several people claimed this was because of pressure from Disney, but there was no way of directly confirming this. Most called Sony puritanical [censored] with [censored] as big as a horses [censored] in a [censored]. Those were the nice ones.
Could it get worse? Most companies officially hate porn but love the money it brings in, so they give it tons of support behind the scenes. Not Sony. It is swinging the other way and going after anyone who replicates porn on Blu equipment. If you do, your licence gets pulled, basically putting you out of that business.
What we are seeing is two historical battles played out once again, Beta versus VHS and magnetic versus Laser Disc. Beta was blown out of the water largely because Sony was puritanical and said no to porn. The market wanted porn, and Beta died a rather sad death in the US even though it was technically superior. Blu is technically superior to HD but has no porn, it is an exercise left up to the reader to work out the result.
Well... Den som lever får se 🙂
June 27, 2002
symetric wrote: Vad jag vet så fick inte porrindustrin en välja, varken i Betamax-fallet eller i här. Sony vill helt enkelt inte ha porr på sina fina skivor 🙂 Inte då, och inte nu.
Then the cold hard reality intruded and Sony dropped the bomb. No, not the recalled Dell batteries, the fact that it would not allow any porn on Blu-ray at all. None. Never. When asked, several people claimed this was because of pressure from Disney, but there was no way of directly confirming this. Most called Sony puritanical [censored] with [censored] as big as a horses [censored] in a [censored]. Those were the nice ones.
Could it get worse? Most companies officially hate porn but love the money it brings in, so they give it tons of support behind the scenes. Not Sony. It is swinging the other way and going after anyone who replicates porn on Blu equipment. If you do, your licence gets pulled, basically putting you out of that business.
What we are seeing is two historical battles played out once again, Beta versus VHS and magnetic versus Laser Disc. Beta was blown out of the water largely because Sony was puritanical and said no to porn. The market wanted porn, and Beta died a rather sad death in the US even though it was technically superior. Blu is technically superior to HD but has no porn, it is an exercise left up to the reader to work out the result.
Well... Den som lever får se 🙂
Då är ju Sony bara dumma, vill de inte ha porr så lär de aldrig vinna sådana här strider. Jag har jämför dagens Blue Ray spelare med HD-DVD spelare, i den jämförelsen vann HD-DVD i bildkvalite helt klart. Men det är ju svårt att jämföra med två så nya format då båda två kommer bli bättre med tiden.
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