July 7, 2003

UndaC wrote: [quote=hymer]när du köper HL2 så Får du Cs portat till source samma gäller med alla nadra standard modar så som day of defeat,death match classic och HL1
vart kommer denna information ifrån?
Gabe Newell sa det under E3 vid Valve's presentation...där de visade cs source första gången. Finns på nån video.
May 9, 2003

jopp han sa det under E3 att man skulle få med cs,dod,dm classic,TF och HL1
Half-Life Radio: Outstanding. Tell me what's going on with DoD and what's coming up with that.
Gabe Newell: Well, for the first time we're talking about what we're going to be doing for multiplayer for Half-Life 2, and what we've done is, we've taken all the original Half-Life 1 content.. so Half-Life 1 single player, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, DeathMatch, Day of Defeat, and we moved them over to source. We are showing that to people... so that you can see what De_Aztec looks as people are playing it. So that you can see how we take advantage of shaders and ... physics...to create a better environment for the multiplayer games which are about 90% of what's being played online.
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