March 12, 2003
July 27, 2003
Känns som om att detta borde vara ett vettigt alternativ.
March 1, 2003
här kostar den under tusingen...
March 12, 2003
October 25, 2003
nivaman wrote: [quote=skittles]får man med tank i det där paketet?
ser inte ut så...
WaterChill CPU Cooler (DYO ? CPU01/P1) supporting Intel P4 S478, AMD socket A, AMD S754/S940 [AMD 64] (Requires 4 holes in motherboard)
Black Ice Pro Radiator with fittings
700 l/hr Hydor Pump with fittings (115/220 V plug)
WaterChill Tube Set (150 cm)
Y-fitting and stopper for filling are included
Fittings and mounting accessories for the CPU Cooler + four screws for mounting the radiator in the case are included
Heat Conduction Compound - 2 ml tube
WaterChill installation guide"
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