February 24, 2002
Har hittat några bios till 9500 pro men viken är bäst eller snarare vad är det för skilnad på dom.
Någon som vet, eller kanske har andra bios att rekomendera.
- 9500WARP.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for cards with Hynix 3.6ns memory
- FIXED_33.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for “Built by ATi” cards with Infineon 3.3ns memory (different from the 9500_33.BIN, appears to be the latest)
- FIXED_30.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for “Built by ATi” cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory
- 9500_33.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for cards with Infineon 3.3ns memory
- 9500_30.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory (same as FIXED_30.BIN when viewed with RadEdit)
- HERC9500PAL.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for Non-US cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory (may cause problems with TV Out due to the Non-US PAL format)
- HERC9500NTFS.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for Non-US cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory (made from the HERC9500NTFS.BIN by changing the TV standard from PAL to NTSC)
- ORIGINAL_33.BIN: Original for “Built by ATi” cards with Infineon 3.3ns memory. NOT OVERCLOCKABLE
- ORIGINAL_30.BIN: Original for “Built by ATi” cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory. NOT OVERCLOCKABLE
Dessa har jag för närvarnde att välja på måste ju byta för jag kan inte soft klocka kortet med orginal biosen.
Jag har Infineon 3.0ns minnen på ett Sapphire kort.
October 4, 2002
Någon av de här borde du kunna ta, prova dem o se vilken som klockar bäst... :
- FIXED_30.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for “Built by ATi” cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory
- 9500_30.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory (same as FIXED_30.BIN when viewed with RadEdit)
HERC9500PAL.BIN: Overclockable BIOS for Non-US cards with Infineon 3.0ns memory (may cause problems with TV Out due to the Non-US PAL format)
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