September 15, 2004
jag vet inte mycket om manuell överklockning, men jag hittade en steg-för-steg guide som matchar mitt system:
amd64 3500+ s939
msi k8n neo2 platinum
4 pinnar 512mb pc3200 (går i dual)
Oh, you have the k8n neo 2 platinum
I can walk you through it
Set your agp clock to 67, this enables the lock, which you need.
Set the memory setting to 1T (not auto, not 2T)
For the htt multiplier, use this formula.HTT bus (fsb, cpu bus, whatever you want to call it) * HTT multiplier <= Max HTT speed
for the k8n neo 2 platinum, the max htt speed is 1000 MHz. (Some boards have 2000, but it's useless as of now. Nothing uses all of it, since the memory, which is the biggest hog, is off of that line and has it's own controller on the chip)So,
200 * 5 <= 1000
201 *4 <= 1000
250 * 4 <= 1000
251 * 3 <= 1000
333 * 3 <= 1000
If you go over the 1000 mark, stability = poop.
Don't worry too much about getting a higher htt bus (fsb) because memory is locked to it's own speed.
A 2400 MHz chip at 12 * 200 will perform just as well as a 2400 MHz chip at 10*240. (Very small difference)For Maxmemclock, you have ddr 400 I assume (that's as fast as the board can run the ram anyway, so if you have something faster, 400 is all you get)
The maxmemclock setting has 4 options
200 166 133 100
these correspond to ratios, so
200 = 1:1 266 = 5:6 133 = 2:3 100 = 1:2What this means is
Ratio * HTT Bus (fsb) <= 200
Any higher and stability = poop. (Due to mobo, not ram)
You can push it a few MHz above, but don't expect to run at 220 HTT Bus (fsb) and 1:1 ratio stably.For the other settings
DISABLE spread spectrum
DISABLE aggresive timingI'll do a quick run through of what you should be able to get from you chip (easily)
Default is 11*200 = 2200 MHz.
Let's push it to 2530 Mhz.
That's 11 * 230. This should be easy with standard cooling and stock voltages. (11*240 should be doable too)What you need to do is
stock voltages
disable aggressive timing
disable dot
disable spread spectrum
set memory mode to 1T
set agp clock to 67
set maxmemclock to 166
set HTT bus (fsb) to 230
Set cpu multiplier to 11 (stock)
Set HTT multiplier to 4This gives
166/200 * 230 = 190.9. Your ram will run at 190.9 MHz (x2 = 381.8 instead of 400). If you can get the htt bus (fsb) to 240 your ram will be at the normal 200x2 = 400.So, ram is <= 200, which is good.
230 * 4 = 920 <= 1000 = Good. ou have an HTT speed of 920 instead of 1000, but you don't need all of that speed anyway. Even next gen pci express videocards won't use it all. Memory has been moved off of this path, and there's a TON of room. That should be easy to clock to.
I went through some trouble figuring out all the settings when I was first playing with mine, but that's how they work.agp = 67 (to enable lock)
htt bus (fsb) * htt multiplier must be <= 1000
maxmemclock / 200 * htt bus (fsb) must be <= 200 (If you run in the 333 configs, as listed in the manual, you need to make them <= 166!)
disable spread spectrum, aggressive timing, and dot.
Stock voltages until you need a bit more stability.
And memory set to 1T. If this is unstable, try 2T. But 1T is much better.
In fact, if you are stable at 240*11 on 1T, and have to go to 2T for 250*11, stick with 240*11 and 1T, it just performs better.Let me know if you have any troubles.
för dom som läste igenom; är det här något jag kan följa steg för steg? känner inte för att sitta och testa massa olika inställningar själv.
min vän sa att omega har någon överklockningsapplikation man kan tanka, men är det lika bra som manuell överklockning?
October 23, 2002
September 15, 2004
följde guiden och körde sedan Orthos. fick det här felmeddelandet:
Type: Blend - stress CPU and RAM Min: 8 Max: 4096 InPlace: No Mem: 1791 Time: 15
CPU: 2530MHz FSB: 230MHz [230MHz x 11.0 est.] 2007-06-27 23:11
Launching 1 thread...
1:Using CPU #0
1:Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
1:Press Stop to end this test.
1:Test 1, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Test 2, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922943 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Test 3, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19374367 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Test 4, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19174369 using 1024K FFT length.
1:Self-test 1024K passed!
1:Test 1, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M172031 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 2, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M163839 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 3, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M159745 using 8K FFT length.
1:Test 4, 800000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M157695 using 8K FFT length.
1:Self-test 8K passed!
1:Test 1, 560000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M212991 using 10K FFT length.
1:FATAL ERROR: Resulting sum was 1029642667933648, expected: 1029642668038496
1:Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
1:Torture Test ran 39 minutes 1 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
1:Execution halted
vad bör jag göra för att fixa det?
October 23, 2002
Då är systemet inte helt stabilt, men inte långt ifrån. Det man kan göra för att få det stabilt är att prova att höja Vcore = spänning till processorn med ett snäpp. Och se till att Hypertransport Link speed är inställd på 4X = 800 Mhz. Prova och se om det inte går bättre då 😉
October 23, 2002
När det gäller att köra med fyra minnes moduler så stämmer det att i de allra flesta fall så klockas hastigheten ner till 333 MHz, det beror på den integrerade minneskontrollern i Althlon 64. Om vi antar det och att din cpu är stabil i 2600 MHz, vilket är rimligt. Så borde det vara lämpligt att sätta 166 Mhz istället för 200 på minnet. Då får man lite andra värden. Sen är alla värden som man matar in "kända max värden" för ditt system. 333 MHz HTT är nog inte sannolikt (standard värde = 200 MHz). Du kan testa med lägre HTT och köra på standard multipel = 11. Som exempel: prova med 236*11 = 2596 MHz på cpu. om du kör med mem divider på 133 MHz så blir minnes hastigheten ca 157 MHz = 314 MHz DDR. Gogar's Athlon 64 OC optimizer är bra men man måste testa systemet innan man kan veta vad max HTT för moderkort och cpu är.
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