March 5, 2002
Taget ifrån (kom igen! in på 's forum!):
Hi there. Rig:
Abit KX7-333Raid (no disk in raid-config)
Duron 800 @ 800.
512mb TwinMOS (not WinBond chips)
G4 Ti4200 64mb @ original.
I've set up everything as it should be in BIOS, and i've even tried this when my system's overclocked. (when overclocked, it was 5x220 = 1100mhz, memory @ 440mhz CAS 2-2-2-5 (rock solid, stable as ****)
My problem: In Sisoft Sandra, both 2002 (2001?), and 2003 my memory performance SUCKS. I get below PC2100 speeds, i.e. only about 2000mb/s. That 's very bad. Even overclocked, I get this speed. Why is this? I have the latest BIOS, and the latest Via drivers. I'm also sure it's nothing in BIOS, since i've triple-checked everything four times.
The one who can solve / help me to solve this problem will get a HUGE kiss 8)
Om ni inte förstår 😮 så be nån översätta 🙂
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