June 8, 2001

Skrev detta på Zalman's forum;
"Buying an AMD XP 1700+ CPU very soon, and need some good cooling for it. Looking at the Comdex report the 5300 immedeatly caugt my eye. Seems like it will have the cooling performance from the 5000 series and the queitness of the 3000/6000 series.
Highly interesting in other words.
Would really appriciate if you could tell me when it will be released.
(I'm from Sweden)
Also, since I'm writing already, I heard rumours about an "Ultra" series from Zalman. Any truth that such a product line will be released?
Give some info?
Anyways, keep up the good work"
Fick som svar detta;
"Thank you for contacting ZALMAN.
CNPS5300 product has a mechanical problem that we should solve perfectly before launching it. Therefore, it has been very hard work for us to compelete this project successfully so far. Please don't wait for the show-up of this model unless this is seen in your eyes within 2 months from now.
It seems that an "Ultra model" of ours has been rumored owing to Mr. Ivanenkov
, the host of Mikhailtech(http://www.mikhailtech.com), and Mr. Pontacolone, the excellent reviewer. Though being late, we appreciate them and all Zalman lovers with all our hearts because all of you have invigorated the mind of Zalman.
The real name of Ultra model will be "Zalman E_P_R_N". 3 letters are omitted to keep a top secret. Launching date is due on 5th May, 2002. Fan Mate2 and Fan Fix2 are main components of it. We can not reveal more about this lovely one at this point. Mikhailtech will be the first review site of "Zalman E_P_R_N".
Best regards,
ZALMAN/Jinkook Kim"
Mycket intressant 😀
September 7, 2001

väldigt intressant jag läste ditt innlägg på zalmans forum synd bara att det känns som en evighet tills dom kommer innan dess lär jag redan köpa en kylare.
få se nya Tt vulcano7+ verkar intressant helt i coppar flänsar utskurna ur ett enda block ganska stor å tung med en 7cm fläkt som kan flytta 46cfm man kan ställa fläkten i 3 lägen den verkar oxo väldigt intressant.
[ Detta Inlägg ändrades av: gamma^ray den 2002-02-09 02:21 ]
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