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As a major OEM player Foxconn has been trying to break into the retail industry with enthusiast oriented motherboards, but also graphics cards. Up here we haven’t seen that many of Foxconn’s graphics cards and we probably never will. It has decided to give up on its own branded graphics cards and made a major reorganization by moving nearly 9000 employees from the CSD (Channel Service Division) to the OEM section.

While it is expected to increase sales of retail motherboards to 6-7 million per year in 2009, from 5 million in 2008, it’s still the OEM segment that makes up the majority of the company revenue. Here Foxconn is expected to ship 30 million boards this year.

The future of Foxconn’s retail motherboards is somewhat uncertain, but we hope to see more of the Bloodrage and BlackOps models.

Foxconn never got past NVIDIA’s GeForce 9 series

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