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We’ve heard ID Software and John Carmack discuss the development of games for mobile phones and NVIDIA is talking about doubling its sales of graphics circuit for mobile phones. It seems that the gaming industry for the mobile phones is something to keep an eye on and according to a news article at TG Daily there are loads and loads of money to make here. Already tons of mobile phone games are available, but we should be able to expect more and above all better games, including 3D games soon, as both ATI and NVIDIA is launching new circuits for mobile phones with 3D acceleration.

In the article at TG Daily they walk you through some of the difficulties with developing games for mobile phones, but also the relatively small costs there are and what earnings you could achieve considering you don’t need distributors and such.

“Gosen said that a typical mobile phone game costs $200,000 to $500,000 to make and takes seven to nine months to make. He adds that games for the Xbox 360 or the upcoming Playstation 3 cost around $10 to $25 million to make.”

:: Read on at TG Daily

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