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GeForce 7950GX2 is literally one of the hottest video cards around and that despite the card hasn’t been launched yet, which will happen on May 30. Yesterday we could reveal both name, launch date and price for NVIDIA’s monster card and now our Chinese colleagues at HKEPC has completed this information with a photo of NVIDIA’s new retail flagship. They also confirm the previously mentioned launch date. Except from a photo of the card we get some more detailed specifications which match the earlier rumored ones; 500MHz GPU and 1.2GHz graphics memory which with dual GPUs becomes a card that consumes 143W. I.e. Quad SLI requires 300W just to power the graphics system.

We’ve earlier heard rumors that GeForce 7950GX2 will be considerably shorter than its OEM equivalent, 7900GX2, and it is in fact even shorter than the single-gpu card 7900GTX which could of course be explained by the fact that 7950GX2 has two PCBs. GeForce 7900GX2 is incredible 33cm long, while the consumer version will only be 21.7cm, which is one centimeter less than GeForce 7900GTX.

Source: HKEPC

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