Gigabyte has launched one of the most powerful graphics cards on the market with its GeForce GTX 480 SuperClock. The card builds on NVIDIA’s GF100 GPU but is different from the NVIDIA refence model with a custom PCB, new power supply and severely turned up clock frequencies.

Gigabyte GTX 480 SuperClock ships with a GPU clock of 820 MHz, which is 120 MHz higher than NVIDIA’s reference and well above the 750 MHz MSI ships its GTX 480 Lightning with. The GDDR5 memory has also been pushed up where the reference speed has been moved up from 3696 MHz to 3800 MHz.


As the name implies this is far above what the card can normally do. The power supply has been upgraded to 12 phases for the GPU and 2 phases for the memory. Gigabyte has also given the card dual BIOS chips where one is for regular overclocking and one is for extreme overclocking and liquid nitrogen.

The card is expected to reach stores with a price of $450. The sour about this is that we have GeForce GTX 580 around the corner, but with its pin compatibility the work with GTX 480 SuperClock should not be in vain.


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