Google started out as a search engine, but has since spread to most areas on the Internet. Google has not increased its revenue and profit, but also hired thousands of new workers.

Even though is anything but a start-up, it is growing like crazy. Thje company continues to increase profit, and number of employees. During Q3 the company earned 9.72 billion, which is up from 7.29 billion dollar year-to-year.

Of 9.72 billion dollar in earnings, 28% is net income for the company, 2.73 billion. Of the earnings 6,74 billion came from Google-owned websites like YouTube, whiel 2.60 billion came from AdSense.

“We had a great quarter,” said Larry Page, CEO of Google.  “Revenue was up 33% year on year and our quarterly revenue was just short of $10 billion. Google+ is now open to everyone and we just passed the 40 million user mark. People are flocking into Google+ at an incredible rate and we are just getting started!”


Google+ is one of its latest venturest

Besides higher profit and higher cash flow than before it has hired thousands. During Q2 2011 the company had 28,768 full time employees, a number that is up 9% in only one quarter. During Q3 2011 this number is 31,353.

Source: Google

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