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Google Web Accelerator is Google’s latest creation and with this continues to launch apllications that isn’t directly related to its search engine. But as most of Google’s other applications they’re related and as usual the goal is to ease the browsing for the user. Just as he name tells you this a tool for speeding up the internet browsing and Google seems to have been very thurough as usual.


Google Web Accelerator is still in the beta phase and we will surely see some improvements when the full version arrives. Google Web Accelerator works by predicting and remembering where the user browse the Internet. Google has published a short list that explains how Web Accelerator works:

  • Sending your page requests through Google machines dedicated to handling Google Web Accelerator traffic.

  • Storing copies of frequently looked at pages to make them quickly accessible.

  • Downloading only the updates if a web page has changed slightly since you last viewed it.

  • Prefetching certain pages onto your computer in advance.

  • Managing your Internet connection to reduce delays.

  • Compressing data before sending it to your computer.

  • It seems Web Accelerator is optimized for broadband connections thus those of you with dial up won’t gain much from this tool. The software is supported by Internet Explorer 5.5, and later, and Firefox 1.0 or later. But also other broswers is suppose to work with Web Accelerator in Windows.

    More information can be found on Google Web Accelerator can be found at Google’s homepage.
    Don’t hesitate to share your experience in the forum.

    You can find it here;
    Download Google Web Accelerator

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