Över 300 filmer och tv-serier ska enligt Spridningskollen vara under övervakning när man jagar fildelare och publicerar en kontinuerligt uppdaterad lista på nätet.
Hundratals filmer och tv-serier som cirkulerar på fildelningssajter ska vara under uppsikt av upphovsrättsorganisationen Spridningskollen. Sistnämnda för sedan loggar på vilka IP-adresser som används vid spridningen av de titlar som “skyddas” och därefter skickar man hem en faktura på minst 2 000 kronor per titel till de som misstänks för fildelning.
Tillvägagångssättet har fått ta emot mycket kritik och för den som vill läsa mer om Spridningskollens arbete kan vi rekommendera vår tidigare artikel om ämnet.
För den som samtidigt vill får lite bättre koll på Spridningskollens arbete finns här nedanför en sökbar lista över vilka titlar som idag övervakas av Spridningskollen. Listan är publicerad av Spridningskollen.se på deras hemsida där man även skriver att listan uppdateras löpande med nya titlar. I skrivande stund säger Spridningskollen att man övervakar över 150 titlar men listan omfattar den 22 september 2016 över 300 olika filmer och tv-serier.
Listan är från 2016-09-22 och kan vara uppdaterad på Spridningskollen.se.
478 | Scanbox Entertainment |
1944 | Atlantic Film |
20th Century Women | Scanbox Entertainment |
3 Ting | Scanbox Entertainment |
45 Years | Mis. Label ApS |
99 Homes | Scanbox Entertainment |
A Haunted House | Scanbox Entertainment |
A Hologram For The King | Mis. Label ApS |
A Many Splintered Thing | Scanbox Entertainment |
A Tale Of Love And Darkness | Scanbox Entertainment |
A Walk Among the Tombstones | Scanbox Entertainment |
A Willing Patriot | Scanbox Entertainment |
Abandoned Dead | Atlantic Film |
About Ray | Atlantic Film |
Adam Jones | Scanbox Entertainment |
Alena | Scanbox Entertainment |
Alex & Eve | Atlantic Film |
All I See Is You | Scanbox Entertainment |
American Express | Scanbox Entertainment |
American Heist | Scanbox Entertainment |
Aminas Breve | Scanbox Entertainment |
An Ideal Home | Scanbox Entertainment |
And So It Goes | Scanbox Entertainment |
Andron | Mis. Label ApS |
Apartment 1303 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Aquarius | Atlantic Film |
Are You Here | Scanbox Entertainment |
Ash Vs. Evil Dead | Crystalis Entertainment |
August: Osage County | Scanbox Entertainment |
Automata | Mis. Label ApS |
Bachelorette | Scanbox Entertainment |
Back In The Day | Mis. Label ApS |
Back In The Day | Atlantic Film |
Bad Santa 2 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Badehotellet | Scanbox Entertainment |
Barca Dreams | Mis. Label ApS |
Barely Lethal | Scanbox Entertainment |
Barnmorskan I East End | Atlantic Film |
Behaving Badly | Scanbox Entertainment |
Beyond The Reach | Mis. Label ApS |
Big Eyes | Scanbox Entertainment |
Black Or White | Scanbox Entertainment |
Black Sails | Crystalis Entertainment |
Bleeding Heart | Mis. Label ApS |
Blind Man | Scanbox Entertainment |
Bling | Scanbox Entertainment |
Blood Father | Mis. Label ApS |
Blood Ties | Scanbox Entertainment |
Blue Jasmine | Scanbox Entertainment |
Blunt Talk | Crystalis Entertainment |
Bon Appetit | Scanbox Entertainment |
Bosch | Atlantic Film |
Boy Machine | Atlantic Film |
Breaking Up | Atlantic Film |
Brick Mansions | Scanbox Entertainment |
Bridgend | Mis. Label ApS |
Bully | Scanbox Entertainment |
Café Society | Scanbox Entertainment |
Cake | Mis. Label ApS |
Captain Fantastic | Scanbox Entertainment |
Carol | Scanbox Entertainment |
Cell | Mis. Label ApS |
Chalet Girl | Scanbox Entertainment |
Chaplinin Pojat | Scanbox Entertainment |
Chocolat | Mis. Label ApS |
Clash | Scanbox Entertainment |
Clown | Mis. Label ApS |
Code Name Geronimo | Scanbox Entertainment |
Code Of Honor | Scanbox Entertainment |
Comancheria | Scanbox Entertainment |
Come And Find Me | Scanbox Entertainment |
Cool Girls | Mis. Label ApS |
Crazy Kind Of Love | Atlantic Film |
Cristiano Ronaldo - The World At His Feet | Atlantic Film |
Crossing Point | Atlantic Film |
Cut Bank | Mis. Label ApS |
Dancing On The Edge | Crystalis Entertainment |
Dark Skies | Scanbox Entertainment |
Den Skaldede Frisor | Atlantic Film |
Der 7bte Zwerg | Scanbox Entertainment |
Desert Dancer | Scanbox Entertainment |
Desierto | Scanbox Entertainment |
Dheepan | Scanbox Entertainment |
Dheepan | Mis. Label ApS |
Diplomacy | Mis. Label ApS |
Diplomatie | Mis. Label ApS |
Doctor Foster | Atlantic Film |
Dumb and Dumber To | Mis. Label ApS |
Dying Of The Light | Mis. Label ApS |
Emma Og Julemanden | Scanbox Entertainment |
Empire State | Scanbox Entertainment |
En Chance Til | Atlantic Film |
En Kvinnas Hemlighet | Atlantic Film |
En Man Som Heter Ove | Atlantic Film |
Everly | Mis. Label ApS |
Everybody Wants Some!! | Scanbox Entertainment |
Exposed | Mis. Label ApS |
Extraction | Scanbox Entertainment |
Eye In The Sky | Scanbox Entertainment |
Familien Bélier | Scanbox Entertainment |
Fathers & Daughters | Scanbox Entertainment |
Fear The Walking Dead | Crystalis Entertainment |
Flesh And Bone | Atlantic Film |
Flesh And Bone | Crystalis Entertainment |
Franny | Mis. Label ApS |
Free State Of Jones | Mis. Label ApS |
Freeheld | Mis. Label ApS |
Gamba | Scanbox Entertainment |
Genius | Mis. Label ApS |
Gibraltar | Scanbox Entertainment |
Gold | Scanbox Entertainment |
Good Kids | Scanbox Entertainment |
Grace Of Monaco | Scanbox Entertainment |
Havannan Taivaan Alla | Scanbox Entertainment |
High-Rise | Scanbox Entertainment |
Hologram For The King | Mis. Label ApS |
Hours | Scanbox Entertainment |
Human Capital | Scanbox Entertainment |
Hummingbird | Scanbox Entertainment |
Hundeliv | Mis. Label ApS |
Huuma | Scanbox Entertainment |
I Blodet | Scanbox Entertainment |
I Spit On Your Grave | Atlantic Film |
I, Daniel Blake | Scanbox Entertainment |
Intersection | Scanbox Entertainment |
Into The Forest | Atlantic Film |
Into The Grizzly Maze | Scanbox Entertainment |
It Boy | Scanbox Entertainment |
It Follows | Scanbox Entertainment |
It's Only The End Of The World | Scanbox Entertainment |
Jackie | Scanbox Entertainment |
Jackie And Ryan | Mis. Label ApS |
Jagten | Atlantic Film |
Juleonsket | Mis. Label ApS |
Just Dance | Atlantic Film |
Justin And The Knights Of Valour | Scanbox Entertainment |
Kärleken Är Störst | Mis. Label ApS |
Khumba | Scanbox Entertainment |
Kimmo | Scanbox Entertainment |
Knock Knock | Mis. Label ApS |
Kollektivet | Atlantic Film |
Kon-Tiki | Atlantic Film |
Kvinden I Guld | Scanbox Entertainment |
La Famille Belier | Scanbox Entertainment |
La Giovenezza Aka The Early Years | Scanbox Entertainment |
Labyrinth Of Lies | Scanbox Entertainment |
Land Of Mine | Atlantic Film |
Left Behind | Mis. Label ApS |
Life Of Crime | Scanbox Entertainment |
Like Crazy | Scanbox Entertainment |
Lilla Syster | Scanbox Entertainment |
Lion | Scanbox Entertainment |
Lion | Scanbox Entertainment |
Logan Lucky | Scanbox Entertainment |
Lolo | Scanbox Entertainment |
Lolo | Atlantic Film |
Lords Of Salem | Scanbox Entertainment |
Lost River | Scanbox Entertainment |
Love & Friendship | Atlantic Film |
Love And Death | Atlantic Film |
Love Last Three Years | Scanbox Entertainment |
Love Punch | Scanbox Entertainment |
Maggie | Mis. Label ApS |
Magic City | Crystalis Entertainment |
Magic in the Moonlight | Scanbox Entertainment |
Malavita | Scanbox Entertainment |
Mandela - Long Walk To Freedom | Scanbox Entertainment |
Manhattan Nocturne | Mis. Label ApS |
Maps To The Stars | Mis. Label ApS |
Marauders | Mis. Label ApS |
Maximum Conviction | Scanbox Entertainment |
Mississippi Grind | Scanbox Entertainment |
Mollys Game | Scanbox Entertainment |
Mr. Right | Atlantic Film |
Mud | Scanbox Entertainment |
Mustang | Scanbox Entertainment |
My Corsican Romance | Scanbox Entertainment |
My Life Directed By NWR | Scanbox Entertainment |
Narcos | Mis. Label ApS |
Narcos | Atlantic Film |
New York Immigrant | Scanbox Entertainment |
Nightcrawler | Mis. Label ApS |
No Escape | Mis. Label ApS |
Norm Of The North | Scanbox Entertainment |
Only God Forgives | Scanbox Entertainment |
Orange Is The New Black | Atlantic Film |
Orphan Black | Atlantic Film |
Out Of Sight | Mis. Label ApS |
Outcast | Mis. Label ApS |
Outlander | Crystalis Entertainment |
Painless | Scanbox Entertainment |
Parker | Scanbox Entertainment |
Passion | Scanbox Entertainment |
Paterson | Scanbox Entertainment |
Pay The Ghost | Scanbox Entertainment |
Philomena | Scanbox Entertainment |
Phoenix | Mis. Label ApS |
Point Break | Mis. Label ApS |
Power | Crystalis Entertainment |
Precious Cargo | Scanbox Entertainment |
Queen Of The Desert | Mis. Label ApS |
Rams | Scanbox Entertainment |
Red Dawn | Scanbox Entertainment |
Remember | Scanbox Entertainment |
Remember | Scanbox Entertainment |
Resan Till Florida | Atlantic Film |
Return To Sender | Scanbox Entertainment |
Rio Heat | Crystalis Entertainment |
Ripper Street | Atlantic Film |
Rock The Kasbah | Mis. Label ApS |
Roxette Diaries | Atlantic Film |
Run For Your Life | Atlantic Film |
Saint Laurent | Scanbox Entertainment |
Saints And Soldiers 1 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Saints And Soldiers 2 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Saving Santa | Scanbox Entertainment |
Secret Agents | Scanbox Entertainment |
Secret In Their Eyes | Scanbox Entertainment |
Seefood | Scanbox Entertainment |
Self/Less | Mis. Label ApS |
Shadow Dancer | Scanbox Entertainment |
Shelby | Mis. Label ApS |
Shelley | Scanbox Entertainment |
She's Funny That Way | Mis. Label ApS |
Silence | Mis. Label ApS |
Sinister | Scanbox Entertainment |
Sinister 2 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Siskonpeti | Scanbox Entertainment |
Son Of Saul | Mis. Label ApS |
Song For Marion | Scanbox Entertainment |
Song One | Mis. Label ApS |
Southpaw | Scanbox Entertainment |
Space Dogs 2 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Spartacus | Crystalis Entertainment |
St. Vincent | Scanbox Entertainment |
State Like Sleep | Scanbox Entertainment |
Staying Vertical | Scanbox Entertainment |
Stonehearts Asylum | Mis. Label ApS |
Suffragette | Mis. Label ApS |
Supersonic | Scanbox Entertainment |
Survivor's Remorse | Crystalis Entertainment |
Takaisin Pintaan | Atlantic Film |
Taken 2 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Taken 3 | Scanbox Entertainment |
Tale Of Tales | Atlantic Film |
Tanner Hall | Scanbox Entertainment |
Tavshedens Labyrint | Scanbox Entertainment |
Thanks For Sharing | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Beatles | Mis. Label ApS |
The Big Sick | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Boy | Mis. Label ApS |
The Boy With The Cuckoo Clock Heart | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Brits Are Coming | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Butler | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Captive | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Chef Project | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Cobbler | Mis. Label ApS |
The Dark Horse | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Details | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Dream Team | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Duel | Mis. Label ApS |
The Duff | Mis. Label ApS |
The Farewell Party | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Founder | Mis. Label ApS |
The Gift | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Girl In The Book | Atlantic Film |
The Good Lie | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Gunman | Mis. Label ApS |
The Hateful Eight | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Headhunter's Calling | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Hitman's Bodyguard | Mis. Label ApS |
The Homesman | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Imitation Game | Crystalis Entertainment |
The Intouchables | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Killing Season | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Leisure Seeker | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Little Death | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Little Prince | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Loft | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Lunchbox | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Missing | Crystalis Entertainment |
The Mule | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Neon Demon | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Nice Guys | Mis. Label ApS |
The Place Beyond The Pines | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Prince - Only God Forgives | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Quiet Ones | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Reef 2 | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Reunion | Atlantic Film |
The Rewrite | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Runaround | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Runner | Mis. Label ApS |
The Salesman | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Salvation | Atlantic Film |
The Search | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Shannara Chronicles | Mis. Label ApS |
The Shannara Chronicles | Atlantic Film |
The Stranger Inside | Scanbox Entertainment |
The To Do List | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Wave | Atlantic Film |
The Way Way Back | Scanbox Entertainment |
The White Queen | Crystalis Entertainment |
The Whole Truth | Scanbox Entertainment |
The Woman In Black - Angel Of Death | Scanbox Entertainment |
Things To Come | Atlantic Film |
Three Days To Kill | Scanbox Entertainment |
Tokarev | Scanbox Entertainment |
Transporter Legacy | Mis. Label ApS |
Trenk - The Little Knight | Scanbox Entertainment |
Trumbo | Scanbox Entertainment |
Truth | Scanbox Entertainment |
Tulip Fever | Scanbox Entertainment |
Tully | Scanbox Entertainment |
Under Pyramiden | Scanbox Entertainment |
Undercover | Scanbox Entertainment |
Underverden | Scanbox Entertainment |
Ung & Smuk | Scanbox Entertainment |
Unlocked | Scanbox Entertainment |
Urge | Mis. Label ApS |
War And Peace | Atlantic Film |
War Game | Atlantic Film |
What If | Scanbox Entertainment |
Where To Invade Next | Scanbox Entertainment |
While We're Young | Scanbox Entertainment |
Wild Tales | Scanbox Entertainment |
You're Next | Scanbox Entertainment |
Youth | Scanbox Entertainment |
Z For Zachariah | Scanbox Entertainment |
Z Nation | Crystalis Entertainment |
Zambezia | Scanbox Entertainment |
Zero Days | Scanbox Entertainment |
Zulu | Scanbox Entertainment |
Det är allt från filmer som aldrig blivit snackisar i folkmun till populära TV-serier som Narcos och Orange is the New Black som Spridningskollen tydligen har under span.
De första utpressningsbreven bör som sagt börja dyka upp i svenska brevlådor inom kort. Det återstår att se om Spridningskollen kan få rätten på sin sida mot de privatpersoner som väljer att bestrida anklagelserna.
Det är fortfarande också oklart exakt vilka teleoperatörer som delgivit personuppgifter till Spridningskollen enligt Ipred-reglerna. Svenska operatören Bahnhof är en av de teleoperatörer som säger sig kringått detta och inte skickat ut personuppgifter. Samtidigt som operatören skickat kravbrev till Spridningskollen.se för varumärkesintrång. Med ett påpassligt vite av 2 000 kronor.