Small preview imagePerpendicular Recording’s the next craze when it comes to harddrive manufacturers. The new technology increases the total amount of data per square inch and thus increases the total amount of data the harddrive can store. We see new harddrive models introduced almost every week using perpendicular recording. But still, according to a market research done by iSuppli, only 5% of all shipped drives use the new technology.

“The market research firm estimates that about 5.7 million hard drives out of a total of 114.1 million units used the new technology which is believed to dramatically increase hard drive storage capacity and take the industry well beyond 2 TB in a single (3.5″) drive.”

Still iSuppli claims that harddrives using the new technology will increase quite a lot this quarter. According to iSuppli Samsung is the leading harddrive manufacturer when it comes to harddrives’ using PMR (Perpendicular Magnetic Recording), with 10% of all its shipped drives being using PMR. However this was during the third quarter in 2006, and iSuppli believes that that number will be approximately 50% during this quarter.

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