Intel seems to be yet another circuit manufacturer that has taken a shine to the new Phase-change memory technology. We’ve already seen Samsung, IBM, Qimonda and many other present their progress in the development of PRAM, but now it seems that Intel may in fact be the first to have a working product. Intel’s 90nm 128-bit phase-change memory will be shipped out for testing during the first half of 2007 and mass production is expected to start before the end of the year. In other words, it is less than a year before we will see PRAM on the commercial market, which means that we will finally have an interesting alternative to flash-based memory circuits.
“The memory is being introduced as a drop-in replacement for NOR flash non-volatile memory although its perfromance characteristics means it could be used it a greater range of applications and come to replace in DRAM in some systems, Intel said.”