Media Center computers are getting more and more common these days and Intel is one of the companies which is backing up the concept of a PC as a multimedia hub. Its Viiv plattform is a specification for Media Center computers and one of the most important functions of a Media Center PC is of course the TV functionality. Today, it’s regular TV broadcasts which is most commonly used, but when a computer handles the signals it almost stupid not to take advantage of InternetTV and this is just what Intel has started to show interest in. Together with Omnicom Media Group (OMG) it will start working with developing templates for various advertising services for Internet-based TV signals.
“The effort will connect content owners and advertisers to advance how interactive, broadband-delivered advertising is best tailored to specific programming and audiences, and best presented on large screen sizes in TV-like “10 foot” viewing environments.”
Whether you like it or not advertising is an unavoidable part of the TV channels and if InternetTV will be able to succeed you need decent tools and standards for this. The companies hope to be able to create the best advertising solutions both for advertisers and consumers and interactive ads seems to be a part of this.