Intel is expected to launch its new processor architecture during the third quarter of 2006 and the desktop series is at the moment known as Conroe. The new processors will be made with 65nm technology and will be something of a hybride between Intel’s Pentium M and the NetBurst architecture where performance/watt has become is a high priority. The regular version of Conroe will have a processor bus at 1066MHz, while Conroe Extreme Edition will raise the bar even further with a bus at a whopping 1333MHz. Conroe Extreme Edition is expected to work at 3.33GHz and house a 4MB cache and the TDP value (Thermal Design Power) is expected to be around 95W, which is really low compared to the 955 Extreme Edition that has a TDP of 130W. We are very interested to see how Conroe will perform and especially the Extreme Edition with a 1333MHz bus. Source: X-bit Labs
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