Intel has now revealed that it has serious plans to integrate graphics circuits into its processors and the information actually comes from the manufacturer self through a revealing job ad. It has namely advertized for a Sr. GFX Verification Engineer which will be working at Intel with developing graphics circuits and the best part of this is the detailed job description. Intel namely writes that its Mobility Group team, which the appliant will be a part of , is currently working on integrating Intel-based graphics circuits into both memory controllers and processors.
“This position is for a pre-Silicon validation engineer for the Graphics Engineering team. The team is currently working on Intel GFX core which will be integrated in Memory Controllers as well as the CPU.”
Exactly what kind of graphics circuits Intel is currently working on and what chipsets and processors we will see remains to be seen. But it might not be AMD/ATI which will be first with a GPU/CPU on the market, which many thought after that AMD acquired the Canadian graphics card manufacturer.