Intel’s rumored Kentsfield processor, which will be introduced as Intel’s Extreme Edition next year has already wound up in the hands of a couple of Asian overclockers, which in some magical way seems to be able to come across the latest components before everyone else. Coolaler from Japan was one of the first to publish benchmark and overclocking results with Kentsfield XE6700 with its four processor cores working at 2.66GHz and a total amount of cache at 8MB is something really out of the ordinary. Coolaler did some overclocking attempts using just air cooling and almost managed to reach 4GHz with this incomparable processor, which will not be launched for another six months. Now the French overclocker Tyrou has managed to find a Kentsfield sample, also an XE6700 model, and he hasn’t held back.
With the help of a three stage compressor cooling Tyrou has managed to push his Kentsfield processor up to impressive 4.45GHz from its default speed at 2.66GHz. You should know that this is a processor with months of advancements left to make before the final launch and house no less than four physical cores. Some facts that just makes this achievement even more impressive. Tyrou also ran a number of benchmarks but as very few test programs supports dual cores, even less quadruple, you will reach few milestones. But something that might inidcate what performance we should expect is the processor test with 3DMark06. At 4.1GHz the Kentsfield processor scored incomprehensibly good 6057 points, you can compare this to a Core 2 Extreme processor running at about 4GHz scoring about 3414 points with the same test. Kentsfield seems to be on the right path and the question is how long Intel will keep this monster processor outside the market.