Intel has today released the last of the three parts of its Core architecture. The two previously released, Westwood, known as Xeon 5100, and Conroe (and Allendale), known as Core 2 Duo, have already taken the market by storm and now the last arrives; Merom, which will also be named Core 2 Duo, but in its proper environment will better known as Centrino Duo. This series of processors contains 5 models with the same type of properties as Conroe/Allendale, which you can also see from the table below: T7600, T7400, T7200, T5600 and T5500, where the two latter only sports 2MB of L2 cache, while the rest has 4MB.
All of these comes with a TDP at 34W, but there will be ULV versions(Ultra Low Voltage) with TDPs at only 9W. These processors are also equipped with a lower FSB than Conroe, 667MHz vs. 1066MHz.
“Intel Viiv technology-based entertainment PCs with the Intel Core 2 Duo processor, which started shipping earlier this month, also include the new Intel® 965 Express Chipset family with support for high-definition playback and up to 7.1 surround sound.”